Gibble and gorge

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Sky: I'm a baby dragon. The world is huge. Were my first thoughts as a tiny dragon. 'Yo.' A voice spoke in my head. And I jumped. 'Its me your dragon aka your new life force and body. My name is Gibble and your Sky right?' Gibble said. 'Yes? So how do u get back to my other form?' I aksed Gibble. 'Umm, ya, I'm not really sure about that....' Gibble said guilty. I looked to my right and saw Blososm and Thistle licking Jess who was a Beatiful little purple dragon. "What color are we?' Gibble asked and I shrugged which felt realy strange in dragon form. 'Not sure.' I replied and then Jess wobbled over to me and said in dragon trills. 'Your Butter colored!' I laughed and said 'And your purple!' Blossom and Thistle started licking me as well. "You two are very dirty" blossom said and I relized I could understand the trills now. "Well so are you" Jess retorted and I laughed again. "What's your dragons name?" I asked Jess. "India" she replied. Suddly I was lifted into the air by a pair of hands. I laughed and teh person holding me laughed as well. "Put me down!" I said and nipped the persons hand. They dropped me with a Yelp and I barely figured out how to fly a bit before crash landing on my snout. "Sorry baby dragon!" A voice said that I reconised to be Preston. 'Well he's warm.' Gibble comented before we both laughed again. "Ooooo I ship Preston and Ocean! Wait that wouldn't work water is the opisit of Preston! India stop!" Jess said as she shivered. "We better figure out how to change back soon, other wise well. Who knows what they will do." I said and suddly Jess said. "Thistle go help heal people! Blossom can you well. Teach us how to find food? I'm starving." Thistle flew off obediently up and I relized they were still linked which ment Jess still had her dragon finding talent. Blossom nudged us like a mother dragon and brought us to our tents as everyoen ignored us helping bury the wounded and I saw there were like non injured and a few 'dead' people suddly started breathing again when an animal from the forest bonded with them. We came across Laurance's bodie and Jess looked like she was going to cry. "He died! He's dead! Look how many are dead! Wait what am I saying, don't look it's terrible." Jess said. Then we watched as a bunny ran out of the forest chased by a fox and jumped right into Laurance's chest. Then the bunny disloved and ears grew out of Laurance's head and a small fluffy tail on his behind. Suddly he breathed and shook violently. "What teh! Voice in my head!" He yelled and Sly ran to his side. Then Sly started laughing along with me."YOU HAVE A TAIL AND BUNNY EARS!! BRO." He said laughing and Laurance looked like he was freaking out which made Jess and I laugh harder. Blossom nudged us to Jess's tent and we went inside, me still laughing. 'That was just. Bahahahaha.' Gibble said in my head and I agreed with him. That was hilarious. 

Laurance: I was floating torwds a white place, and I knew I was dead. Then suddly a bunny was infrount of my face and said "hello Bonded personnel! I've never done this before but you have potential so here goes nothing!" Then a bolt of strange electricity went threw me and I shook violently as I suddly felt strange and a voice said in my head 'I'm gorge, your bunny pal. I'm bonded with you so now we're be together forever!' "What the! Voice in my head!" I yelled freaking out and sitting up. Sly ran over to me then he started laughing "YOU HAVE A TAIL AND BUNNY EARS!! BRO." he told me and I felt ears on my head and a tail on my behind. What the heck?!?! 'Oh chill! You'll get used to it.' Gorge said and I slowly calmed down and a Sky stopped laughing and helped me up. I felt more bounced like I coudl jump super high. 'You can, also you have better hearing and a sense of smell.' Gorge said which made me jump. I wasn't used to having a voice in my head. I reached out with the link and found Sky and Jess were no longer in it. But Max, Sly and I still were. "There dead?" I asked threw it and Max responded "yes..... They sacrificed them self to kill all the squids. I think there exstint now." "Wait, weres her dragons? I saw Thistle flying around giving animals from teh forest to dead people and then they disappered and the person was bonded with the animal and some would stay compleatly human and others would have some of the animals featured and then some turned compleatly into animals but Golden can understand them so she assures us it's still them. Others just stay dead. So I'm spa summing by the laughing I head that Laurance had animal futures?" Max added. "Yes, I'm a bunny person. My bunny so name is gorge." I said which made Sly start laughing all over again.

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