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The sky was pitch black as three musketeers soar through the air, Tony Stark was cladded in his signature red and gold iron suit, Alora Stark wore her newly modify synthetic suit which was all black with coal details in her hands and feet. Kalum Tiberius had no suit, instead he wore black joggers, sneakers, and light blue long sleeve gym shirt. Each one of them had different thoughts running through their minds, but their goal was still the same. Take down Obadiah Stane for once and for all, so things can go back to normal, no more fighting and more focusing on their future.

"I can see Pepper outside the building, she seems worried." Kalum said next to her, communicating through the earpiece Tony had given him.

Due to obvious reasons Alora wasn't given an earpiece, it would be useless since her powers consist in turning into a giant ball of pure sunshine and Tony didn't have a fireproof earpiece just yet. Alora would have been flying blind but Tony and Kal came up with a plan, Tony will attack Obadiah first, Kalum job is to protect any civilian caught in the crossfire, and Alora will be the last resort.

Alora could see with clarity the Stark Industries building, her eyes widen in fear and shock as she witnesses Pepper backing away from a giant iron suit. There's no doubt that Obadiah Stane is the man inside that suit, he raised his giant hand in which a machine gun was attached. Alora hover in the air as she formed a fireball, Kalum jumped between Pepper and Obadiah and created a force field around them, the bullets Obadiah was shooting ricochet off the strong force field.

"Big mistake." Alora seethed as she threw a giant fireball his way, the initial impact was strong enough that had Obadiah stumbling back just in time for Tony to ram into him causing the concrete beneath them to break and fall inside the pandemonium.

The blonde superhuman descended on the ground and made her way to Kalum who was checking on Pepper, with face full of worry Alora ask. "Pepper, are you alright?"

Pepper's hands were shaking and her breathing was coming out in pants, Kalum had a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Oh God, I-I don't know how this happen. He was already in the suit when we arrived at the pandemonium and the next thing I know he was shooting and I was running."

"Who's we?" Kalum asked her, Pepper turn to face him and took in a deep breath.

"Some men, Agent Coulson."

Alora stare broodingly at the inside of the building, wondering if they were even alive, her eyes then glance back at a still panicking Pepper. "Pepper, listen closely, you need to stay away from here things are not gonna get pretty. I need to go back for them."

"I-I'll still have a job when this is all over right?" Pepper asked, Alora gave her a quizzical look.

"Yes, of course. Now go." Alora said, Pepper was quick to leave the parking lot.

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