Do you still remember me alive?

10 0 2

Thursday May 31st, 2007

Perth Domestic Airport

9 PM


City Flyer Flight QF523 to Melbourne via Adelaide was delayed. The Good Charlotte guys were milling around the lounge, bored out of their minds. Joel was sitting on the floor with his iPod ear buds plugged into his ears as he flipped through a magazine. Billy and Paul were playing a bastardised version of Blackjack. I stood nearer to the gate with Benji. Damien, Kav, Sheri and I had come to see them off.

Damien had disappeared somewhere; Kav and Sheri were watching Billy and Paul. Leaving me alone with Benji. I stood next to him gazing out the window, quietly thinking. Benji moved closer and wrapped his arms firmly around me as I leaned into his solid body. I was shaking a little. I was going to miss the guys; I had a sense of foreboding that I wouldn't see them again. I didn't know why I felt that way...something in my gut was just telling me that was the case.

Benji rubbed my back gently, murmuring reassuring words to me. "It's okay, Marlz...I'll see you again soon...I plan on coming here for winter vacation." He tilted my face up and smiled, eyes sparkling. "Okay? That sound good to you?"

I sniffed, rubbing my finger under my nose. I didn't want to tell him that I had a feeling I wouldn't get to see him again. I don't think he'd understand...and well, truthfully I had no idea why I thought that.

"That's still a long time from now, Benji..." I whispered, sadly.

He sighed, releasing my waist and stepping away from me. "I know. But, hey. You have Damien, right?"

I looked into his eyes gauging his expression. I knew he still didn't like him, but my happiness was something Benji thought was more important. The expression in his dark eyes was sincere and I relaxed a little, nodding.

"Yeah...I do..."

Damien rejoined us then, holding a bottle of water in one hand. Benji and I turned to look at him.

"Hey, Damien." Benji's voice was serious, his eyes stern.

"Yeah?" Damien lifted both his eyebrows at the older man.

"Take care of her won't you?" He tilted his head toward me. I smiled looking down. Damien moved to slip an arm round my waist.

"Always, Madden. You needn't worry about that."

Benji growled softly. "I'm holding you to that."

"Trust me. I'll take good care of her...won't I?" He nuzzled against my cheek. I giggled softly; he hadn't shaved and the stubble on his face tickled my skin.

I leaned more into him and murmured in response. " will."

I could see Benji looking at me intently. I sent a reassuring smile his way, even though a knot had begun to form in my stomach. I banished the unpleasant thoughts that had begun to form before they became coherent. I couldn't allow myself to think bad thoughts. Anyway, they were probably triggered by the fact that I didn't want Benji and Joel to leave. But, hey, they couldn't stay in Perth, the band were touring the whole of Australia.

As we stood there, an announcement rang out through the terminal: Flight QF523 to Melbourne is now ready for boarding...

Benji nodded to us then went about rousing Joel, and yelling at the others to pack up their cards. Kav and Sheri joined Damien and I at the boarding gate. Then the Good Charlotte boys headed past us, Joel and Benji both blowing me kisses as they produced their boarding passes. After several long moments, they disappeared from view and I felt my chest tighten.

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