just staying friends

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*tour bus*

lala: ok so how many month's we got left

chris: 1 and if u do these to shows right we will let u home early

(skips one month)

rocky:me and twist will not be working out

lala:me and tyga want be either we agreed to be friends

cycy:who u tellin

shay:lol me too

lala: issa talking about getting back together i was like i dont know but we became real close

he comes to all the shows front row every time and i'm gaining trust again.

rocky:ok but remember once a cheater always a cheater

lala: i got u

cycy:well let's get our luggage it's time to go now we ain't got no more tour time


lala:ayy *twerking*

chris: all right enough off that damn yall got ass but any way i need yall to get yo stuff we at yall house

lala:ok lol *getts stuff*

eb:*gets there stuff and heads in the house*

lala:thx everybody *kisses tyga cheek *

tyga:yeah you welcome

lala:*finish unpacking* we had fun *leaves downstairs*

rocky:who u tellin

cycy:i wanna go clubing and lala 18th birthday is 2morow

shay:what should we do

moe:decarate the club and invite everyone we know

rocky:oh and dont forget who else is in the room i'm her twin but i promise i will not say nothing

ok im going to finish more 2morow or later cause i'm eating right now

ok i'm back that pasta was of the chain

cycy:u better not

rocky:lol u funny

shay:well let's head down stairs



lala:ok and rocky guess what i have to say


lala: jaylen was caught kissing this tramp

rocky:oh well me and you are done

lala+cycy:lol she dumped yo a$$ ahhh


lala:well it's night time so *ciara voice* i'm out

eb:lol *jaylen leaves*

*eb goes to sleep *

author note: ok so sadly to say i'm almost done with this book

but the good news is that i'm stating the sequel for this then i got another book that's coming out so follow me on here so you will know when my book comes out

meant to be  [mb,diggy,issa,Jacob L, lil twist love story ]Where stories live. Discover now