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Leader: So guys, I don't want our chatroom becomes so boring so I think we can do something better. Do you guys have any idea?

Maknae: I have one idea. How about we're doing contest who write the best smut stories? *smirk*

JongDown: I'm okay with that. I can write smut about us.

Maknae: 😍

YoungjaeFighter: Okay. But it based on us right what we want to write? As long as it is smut stories. Am I right?

DaehyunLiner: Why are you saying like that? You want to do smut story about you and someone else huh?

YoungjaeFighter: It is just our imagines. I can do it real with you. Don't you worry hehe

Visual: I'm okay as long as all of you guys doesn't do my jagiya as your imagines in your smut story. I'll kill you.

Leader: It's okay Chan. It's just a imagine. You have me forever. Don't you?

Visual: Okay. Thank you for that statement.

Maknae: Ewww

Visual: What the hell...

Leader: Okay guys. Lets go eat.

JongDown: Don't forget about the contest. I'm waiting for all of your ideas.

YoungjaeFighter: You're so excited when it comes to smut. LOL 😝

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