chapter two :

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[ infatuation ]

" welcome everyone to the re-opening of Diamond Co. " a deep voice echoes through the mic making it rumage throughout the whole building.

i tug the bottom of my dress down as i walk off to find grace.

i spot her standing with lorenzo near the bar. walking past through the crowd, i bump into someone making their drink spill all over me.

the persons drink splatters all
over my chest before falling onto the ground.

the sound of glass shattering and people gasping were the only sounds that was heard.

" im so sorry miss. i really didnt see you there. " the mans voice was filled with sincerity as he walked towards me.

" no no. its fine. " i look down at my dress to see the big red coloured stain that his wine had made. i close my eyes in frustration but once i opened them i was met with a pair of dark brown eyes that was surrounded with a pair of ray-ban glasses.

" obviously not. can someone get me some napkins please? " the man yells out.

a few minutes later, napkins were given to me.

" thank you sir- "

" fall? oh my god, what happened to you? " grace walks up to me and places her hands on my shoulder.

" here lets go wash that up in the restroom.. " she asks the same man where the restroom is and he points over to the back corner.

" alright. thank you jameson. "


" come on fall, why are you so damn clumsy ? " she chuckles as we head over to the restroom.

" i didnt even see him. its like he just popped out of nowhere. " i take the napkins amd start to dab it on the stain.

" sure sure. " she says while fixing her hair that was now in a bun.

" do you even know who you just bumped into? " she asks.

i tale the tissue and put it in the water for a bit before continuing to dab the stain out.

" no-not really... " i say.

" lilys boyfriend you idiot. i thought you guys met already? " grace then digs through her purse probably trying to find her back up mascara and eyeliner.

" no, i never met him. i mean, i was going to, but then me and lily had that fight and i guess we didnt meet after that. okay... i think i got all the stain out. is it noticeable? " i look over at the mirror, not really seeing the stain. i let out a relieved sigh as grace looks over to me.

" oh i see- yea yea its fine. now come on, we have a party to get back to. " she takes my arm pulling me back into the massive building filled with the richest of women and men, including mister jameson diamond.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2023 ⏰

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