Lets explain

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For me to see the blinding rays of morning light is rare. The morning light drawn in from the window only to meet my previously Unconscious face. The morning sun liked to make it clear to me that staying up till four am working isn't the smartest idea. How about instead of me being boring and describing my Average day, I explain a few things first, sound good? Good, alright let's start with the general world I live in. Our world is divided into five land masses or by a better name continents; the largest continent which is located  directly in the middle of the other four is called Noli's. Noli's is known as the centre of everything, well other than obvious geological reasons, it's where all the major world events are held, a fun place to visit once you've finished school. Now let's go over the twin continents known as Revean and Greavance, they are literally joined at the hip. They both specialize in the worlds food supplies, Revean being in charge of major animal export and Greavance being in charge of produce and major wheat products. Both places can easily keep up with the demands of the world, it's surprising to think that the people who live there legitimately never stop working. Now we have the scholars of the this world that have been under high education there entire lives. This continent is known as Scholan, considering the amount of people that live her it's quite small. The whole place is honestly just a giant university for people that are to gifted to work in Greavance and odds are will eventually work somewhere in Noli's. to finally wrap up all this talk of continents we get to the boring hell hole that I originate from, or better known as Taltem. Taltem is "where all the people who haven't reached there full potential" live, to sum it up its  where all children are born and raised to adults. Let me explain why all children are born here, every person born on this earth is blessed with a power of sorts. These powers become accessible to you randomly throughout your life, most people get them when they hit puberty, but there's the unlucky few like myself who didn't get them during puberty, and shall be gifted with them later in life. The deal is when the woman becomes pregnant she and the husband are sent to Taltem, so they are able to give birth and raise there children around others with no powers at the time. Alright you've probably heard enough of the boring details of this world and are most likely curious of what powers are? Right? Haha alright so to explain powers let me give an example, have you ever wished you could fly? Teleport to any location? Super strength? Well everyone on this green planet is born with one special power or trait. Unfortunately we don't get to choose our power, the power you receive is something determined at birth, it can't be changed and it can't be influenced by outside sources. Now your paper decides what you do in life, basically its wether you go to Scholan or Greavance, wether you learn to control your power and harness it's benefits or you use it over and over and over working in the fields. Alright I think I've given this enough explanation now let's just move on already. Maybe I should introduce my self, my name is Eliza Warren, and This is the story of how one person could of brought the whole world to its knees.

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