01. The Weakling

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Dan stood under the balcony of a white and green motel, leaning his slender body against a thick pole. He rubbed his hands together trying to create warmth. Why are my hands always cold? The frigid temperature of his body constantly bugged him. He dove his left hand into the pocket of his ripped black jeans and fished around for his lighter. He sparked it on and placed his right hand over top of the flame. He then switched the lighter into his now warm hand and heated up the other. After heating up both of his hands, he dove his free hand into a pocket of his leather jacket and retrieved the box of cigarettes. He lit one and returned the rest back to his pocket. He took a quick drag and closed his eyes dropping his head back against the pole, facing up into the night sky. He exhaled, allowing the smoke to leave his system, even though it will permanently damage his fragile body. He opened his eyes and watched the stars. He would never admit it, but he enjoyed watching them glisten. It was calming. His relaxation was quickly disrupted by the hooting and hollering of his friends entering the premises.

"Heyo, Dannyboy!" An Australian boy yelled.

"Ross, why are you wearing sunglasses? It's like 3 in the morning," Danny questioned with a much calmer and quieter voice than the other.

"Who are you? My fucking mom? I can do what I want," Ross spat out. Ross was covered in tattoos and wore clothes similar to Danny's.

The two friends who followed him both had dyed hair and were pushing each other around. One had green hair and stretched ears with a few tattoos here and there. Not nearly as many as Ross. He had an Irish accent and ocean blue eyes. Dan loved his eyes, but he wasn't allowed to tell him that. It just wasn't a thing he did. None of them really complimented another. Only a few compliments were spoken overall. Mostly like congratulating someone about banging some hot chick or getting a cool, new tattoo.

The other boy had red hair at the moment but has gone through many different colors. He was muscular and often wore denim jackets. He has one tattoo but consistently refuses to show it to anyone. Dan didn't believe he actually had one.

"What took you guys so long to get here?" Dan questioned, anger lining his voice.

"I needed more cigarettes," Jack, the green haired boy, replied. 

"Anyway, man. You wanna come steal some shit or beat up some kid with us?" Mark asked an evil smirk growing on his face.

"Totally," Dan said and began walking alongside Ross to the main road.

The four boys began following a cute blonde girl.  "Hey, hottie," Ross yelled out. "Come with us, girl." The girl gave no response, so the boys hustled up to her. "I said, come with us," Ross hissed in her ear.

"Leave me alone," She muttered, avoiding eye contact with any of them.

"C'mon, baby, don't be such a prude," Mark said in a low growl.

"Leave me alone. I have a boyfriend," The woman retaliated.

"He doesn't have to know, baby," Jack nudged her.

"Please, go away," She begged.

"Or what?" Dan smirked.

"Or- or I'll get my boyfriend to take you all out!" She threatened.

"Heh, yeah, right," Ross muttered.

"You'll see," The pretty blonde girl continued walking deeper into the city Dan knew nothing about. She lured them into territory that wasn't their own, but continued following her anyway. "Ken!" She yelled out to a tough-looking, bigger guy. All four of the boys locked eyes with him. Ken hustled over to her.

"Are these guys bugging you, honey?" Ken spoke more at the guys than her.

"They won't leave me alone."

"You guys are fucking getting it," Ken growled at them. He grabbed Dan's shirt tightly and pulled him close. "This isn't your side of town," Danny's face was stern and threatening, but it didn't scare Ken. Ken threw Dan onto the ground, making Danny hit his skull hard against the sidewalk.

"Ross, let's book it," Mark whispered, allowing Jack to hear his plan too. The three boys escaped back towards their town.

"Well, it looks like it's just me and you, buddy," Ken hissed at Dan.

"Those fuckers," Dan weakly muttered out. His head was bleeding, dying his hair with a thick blood red.

"Get up," Ken spat out. "If you wanted to fuck with my girl, you should've thought about what would fucking happen afterwards." Dan only groaned in pain.

"Weakling," Ken said in a low-growl before attacking Dan once more in the head, knocking him unconscious.

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