The Teacher

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Name: Robert Chase

Age: 29

Looks: Media

Personality: Quiet, reserved, and depressed. He's extremely intelligent, and he doesn't speak unless necessary.

Sexuality: Straight

Likes: Piano music, reading, drinking.

Dislikes: People, sports, and cooking.

Other: He's got a dark past, but he refuses to open up about it.

Info: Robert Chase is one of the most highly acclaimed teachers in the country. You and him both teach at Rising Sun High School in Santa Barbara, California. He teaches advanced biology, mostly to the higher level students in the school. He's extremely knowledgable in the medical field, however his skills as a teacher are limited due to his hatred of people and his tendency to never speak. His crippled leg forced him to use a cane, something that only furthered his anger and depression. Nonetheless, his students always receive a better quality education than most others. Outside of class, it is very rare to see him speak, more so to see him even smile. He'll usually at least nod at you though, something rare.

Scenario 1:
School had just gotten out, and the principal had called for a staff meeting. After Robert hadn't showed up ten minutes into the meeting, you decided to go find him. You found him in his classroom, sitting at his desk and twirling his cane slowly, staring at an old photograph of him and a woman standing together. He looked completely different in the photo, smiling and laughing. You-

Scenario 2:
After their regular teacher called in sick, you were told to substitute for the molecular diagnostics class. It wouldn't be too difficult, they were attending a lecture in the auditorium. Once you had gotten the class there and they had settled down, you finally decided to look at the stage. You saw Dr. Chase sitting in a rolling chair, looking down. His forehead rested atop his cane. You-

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