Love Hurts

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I see you walk by today,
once again, and Do you see me?
I highly doubt it.
Even though we have a friendship,
You'll never tell anyone about it.

I've liked you for so long,
but you have been to blind to see,
Past your snotty girlfriend,
She doesn't mind much of me.

Nor does she care,
of the bond between us?
Hell no, she couldn't care less.
But when I'm around you she starts a fuss.

I'm bullied from her,
Day in and day out,
You don't seem to care.
Of your once best friend.

I've fled away,
Not bothering to come back,
Just know I'm in a restful place,
But I've been torchured by her distant lack.

I'm gone now,
No burden for you anymore,
I know you once thought,
That I was a bore.

So fear no more,
Your 'girlfriend' is there,
And now you know,
There's no place in my heart for you to share.

You've crushed it,
Into a million tiny pieces
And it takes me a minute,
To collect them again.

As I slowly leave.
To never return.
Even though it's forever,
I still have the yern,

Forget about everything?
It's a hard decision.
But help me with this one,
I can't bare the criticism.

Call her off,
Or the torchuring continues,
And I'm left with nothing.
But wadded up tissiues.

Help me please
Or otherwise I'll never be happy,
I miss you so much.
Sorry if I was too sappy.

I love you,
Theres no doubt.
That love stinks.
It's a good thing to know about.

But even though you crushed my heart,
I still loved you right from the start.

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