Chapter: 1 And We Are Off To Astro's Door

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~(Y/N) P.O.V~

You are just walking into the building were Astro's dorm is. You were walking to the elevator 'cause like nobody takes the boring stairs anymore' you slightly chuckle to yourself as you face plant right into the elevator doors.
"Ow! What the fucking hell door!" You whispered screamed.
First thing you though of to do was to take out your trusty phone and open the camera app to see if there is any marks made. "Nope." You said with a nervous laughter. Shutting your phone off and putting it back your coat pocket you saw there was a note tapped to the elevator door.
"Well it must be that important then." Note the sarcasm in your voice.
You look at the 'very important' note.
'The elevator is having some technical difficulties please use the stairs. They are located on the right. Thank you ~Staff'
"The stairs really? Ugh, but that takes forever.!!." *Sign*

~So after walking up the stairs of death~
In reality it was only around 7 flights of stairs. You got to the floor that their dorm was on, you immediately started looking for the door G182. You finally found it after like 5 minutes and started frantically looking for the key to the door. You found the key and held it above your head. A very successful "YES!!" Came out of your mouth as you unlocked the door.

A/N: I am very proud that you successfully read the first chapter of this crappy book but if you like it then just let me know! 👍🏻
Word count for the book: 234

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