Life in the Jungle of Doom

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"It started off as a dare by you, me going into the Jungle that is. But it wasn't your ordinary Jungle, it's the jungle of Doom! It's a very misleading jungle. Very un-fun.

I would've just turned around and walked out, but that was more complicated than it seemed. I tried it, and was immediatelly attacked by a chimp named Patchy. He was a chimpanzee with black fur, and had an eyepatch on his left eye.

I started to run away from Patchy, but he was too fast. He caught me by the leg, and before I knew it, I was on the ground being mauled by a chimpanzee.

I grabbed the nearest twig, it wasn't much but I had to at least try and fight back. I accidentally snapped it though instead of attacking Patchy with it. But Patchy jumped at the sound of the snapping twig, and he ran away, I've never seen him since.

I had to take a dump, so I went behind the nearest tree, but it just wouldn't come out.

I then started thinking about the Jonas Brothers. I liked them, a lot, loved them even! I was always singing Jonas Brothers, or Justin Bieber. 'I love the Jonas Brothers,' I muttered to myself. 'Rediculous, a full grown boy loving the Jonas Brothers and Justin Bieber, but it's true.'

I then yelled it out to the whole world. 'I LOVE THE JONAS BROTHERS AND I THINK JUSTIN BIEBER IS HOT!!!'

As soon as I said this I heard the sound of growling, I got scared, so I started running. I ran and ran until I saw a mountain up ahead. I slowed down just in time as in my line of vision was a Mountain Lion, and he was looking straight at me.

We were staring at eachother for quite a while now, and while doing so I secretly grabbed a rock. Just as he blinked I quickly threw the rock and he was distracted.

I took my chance and ran away into the forest, the Lion was right behind me so I kicked it on the nose, I see a giant tree and escape by climbing to the top. I'm tired now, but I still feel like singing, though I don't know why.

I sing 'I'm a Barbie Girl' for around 10 minutes straight, which was hilarious because I was actually annoying the birds around me. But one eventually one of them got mad and attacked me. I fell off the tree.

Thankfully I landed in water, since the tree I was on was on the cliff of the mountain, and I started swimming. Nowhere specific though, just swimming.

After a while I saw an island in the distance, but it was connected to the Jungle. I went there anyways since there was clearly nowhere to go, but that's when I realized something moving to my right. I look and I see a shark, maybe two, and they were headed my way!

I swam as fast as I could until I got to the island, but right before I got there a shark bit my arm, and it felt bad. Really bad.

Finally I was at the island, and I realized that it was a prison island. I manuever through a lazer maze while knawing at my arm since it hurt so much. After two minutes of knawing, I'm at the other side of the island, which is the side that connects to the Jungle of Doom.

I was hungry, so I decided to look for snails, since the french ate them I thought they were edible here as well. I started digging until I found a metal box, I opened it and found a wet fish. How it was wet, I don't know, but my hunger took over, and I ate the fish. Raw.

Finally I set out again, and I eventually encountered the Lion again. 'I do believe in spooks.' I whispered to myself, then, I slapped him, and it hurt him so much he lost conciousness, so I took this chance to run.

I was at the border of the Jungle and the Military Island now, and there was barbed wire seperating the two. At first I wasn't going to go through it right away, until I heard the lion rawr, of course. I panicked, and quickly crawled under the wire until I was on the other side, back at the Jungle of Doom.

Next to me was a small building, with a combination lock on it. Curious, I spent a few hours trying to figure out the combination. I finally got it right and opened the door to see a boat. I was safe!

I put the boat in the water, and I eventually row away to safety!

When I finally got home, I was quickly rushed to the hospital, and I've been at the hospital for over a month now. All because of your dare. Now where's my 5 dollars?" I asked ImShinySideDown

"Ugh, fine." She said as she handed me the five dollars she said I'd win for doing her dare.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2011 ⏰

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