***** Prologue *****

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"How are the plans for the fairy fest going?" Queen Myrah asked.

"Very good, Your Majesty. Very good," Asrat said, his muscular well-toned cheeks flexing as he spoke.

"I trust you. I know it will be perfect-" Queen Myrah stopped talking. "What is that sound?"

Everyone stood still to listen. It was a baby. Crying. A human.

"Is there a human in this forest?" Queen Myrah asked, eyes wide open.

"No, Your Majesty. Not that I know of. I'm sure it's nothing," Asrat said hurriedly, trying to stop the queen from investigating but the queen had a mind of her own. Before he had finished his sentence, she was already running after the sound. He had no choice but to follow her.

The Queen lead them to a palm tree and alas- there lay a baby in a basket. What human was so stupid as to leave their baby in the forest?

Queen Myrah took the baby from the basket despite the protests from her servants. As soon as the child smiled, she knew that she couldn't leave it here alone. The human had melted her heart.

"My Queen-" Asrat began, trying to get her to think about what she was doing.

"Asrat, I know what I am doing," The Queen said, stopping him before he could continue. He was a no-nonsense fairy and she knew that he hated humans.

"This human won't survive in the forest. You have to take it back to the humans, Your Majesty," Asrat said.

"It won't survive with the humans either," The Queen said firmly, "This child has no one else. If I leave it here, I will be a murderer- nothing better than those humans."

"It won't survive here, My Queen."

"Not if the human becomes one of us," Queen Myrah said, with a twinkle in her eye, watching as Asrat's mouth fell open.

"Whatever my Queen says, goes," Asrat said and bowed.

"As soon as the baby is old enough to handle it. We will begin the transformation," The Queen said. Her word was final. "I forbid anyone of you to talk about this to the other fairies."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2018 ⏰

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