Chapter 1

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Beth's POV:
I perusal was running. But not from monsters but from a store owner. "Give it back you piece of-" "Sorry Mister Claude but I need this piece of food more than you do!" I cut off. I ran into an ally and climbed to a top of a house. "Finally some peace." I take a bite out of the apple I stole. While she was eating she saw a girl running away from a big guy. "Oh no.." I jump off the house and run after them. "Hey! Yoo who! One-Eye!" I taunt the monster. He looks at me, and starts heading over to me instead. I run back to the ally.
Sage's POV:
I was finally doing it! Running away has been on my mind for years and today, it's finally happening! I skip cheerfully to the bus stop, when I noticed someone following me. I turn around and see a man with one eye. I froze for a minute then I ran and of course he followed. I ran until I heard, "Hey! Yoo who! One-Eye!" I turn around in time to see a girl with punk styled hair run into an ally with the monster following. I couldn't help it, that girl all by herself against that thing no way, so I ran after them. This is what I see: the girl holding a sword, and the monster charging at her. "Hey!" I yell. Both the girl and monster look at me. I flush red, then the monster came after me. I braced myself for impact but it never came. "Next time kid let me handle it."

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