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I believe that the biggest risk one can take is falling in love. Like your heart goes wandering on its own and comes across a complete stranger soul and goes like, "Hey, that's the one. That's the one I'm gonna think about all the time, make scenarios about, act all awkward infront of, smile like an idiot upon seeing them and make the stomach go all butterflies in their presence". And once you've named all your life for them, dedicated your lonely nights and your silent tears to them, the darkest stars dawn upon you. The person you were ready to cross oceans for proves to be a mistake. They turn out to be someone else. They're too coward to even say 'Love you' back. They can't even show you off. They won't make you a priority. They they put other things before feelings. They aren't ready to belong to you, to return your nervousness with a smile. To hold your hand while you're falling off the cliff of desperation. And when you shout out to them, they are too silent to even whisper back. And there is no way back. Your heart is not ready to let you leave. It won't let you stop thinking about them. It won't accept the fact that love has to let go. At some point it has to stop standing amidst the clouds of nameless love to afforest its dignity. But it won't let you. You retreat and find all the bridges burnt. And even their fire won't light the way. And so all you do, my love, is hold on to the loose vines of emptiness, until they break to let you fall into the fire of burnt bridges where you lie in the ashes of your lone existence.

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