Chapter 14

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*****(JAMES POV)*****

I wake up and see that Marisa is still on top of me. Why hasn't she left yet? I push her off of me and get dressed. The party is still alive outside the bedroom door. It's 1 in the morning. I walk into the living room and a group of people playing Suck and Blow. Lexi and Sarah are in the circle. Where's Gray? I look around but I don't see her anywhere. My eyes focus on the two people making out in the circle. Then I realize it's Gray. Who's she kissing though? I walk around to the other side of the couch and see Fallon. I'm going to beat his ass.

I start to storm over, but I stop when Lexi catches my eye. She gives me a death glare and shakes her head no. I want so badly to ignore her, but something tells me I can't. My body relaxes and I find Andy.

"Can I take your car." I ask

"For what?" He asks

"Gray was... Gray was kissing..." I try to say but my throat closes up.

"Never mind. Here." He says and hands me the keys.

When I get home, Mom is waiting in the living room for me. I set the keys down and take off my shoes.

"Where have you been? I've been worried sick!" She yells. She looks around me and panic rises in her when she doesn't see Gray.

"I was at Andys house and lost track of time." I lie easily.

"Where's Grayson." She uses her full name which puts me on edge.

"She's with Sarah and Lexi at..." I stop before I tell her where she really is.

"At...?" Mom pushes

"At one of their houses. Can I go now? I'm tired." I snap

"I don't care." She punches the bridge of her nose and sighs. I hug her and she tenses up. I jump back quickly.

"Sorry...I...I thought that..." I stutter

"No baby. I'm sorry, I just didn't expect that. Come here." She says and holds her arms out. I step into her arms, but it's kind of awkward because I'm a couple inches taller than her.

"Goodnight Mom." I say

"Goodnight James." She calls as I trudge up the stairs.


I wake up to Moms voice outside my door. She's on the phone with someone. I sigh and get in the shower. Did Gray come home last night? I should've made her come home with me. She would've yelled, but at least it's better than Fallon sucking her face. I hate him so much. I don't even know why we hang out with him. I guess it's because he's really good at soccer and all the sports players group together, but still, he's basically a virgin. Not really but he might as well be.

I get out of the shower and get dressed.

"James!" Mom calls from downstairs

"One minute!" I call back. I walk downstairs to see her sitting in the kitchen.

"I have to go into work. Gray should be back soon. I'll be home around 7, please don't make a mess." She sighs and grabs a granola bar and a cup of coffee.

"I thought you had today off." I hiss

"I thought so too." She says weakly

"Please get a different job. I know you love what you do, but this isn't the only hospital around. They're over working you Mom." I defend

"Honey I knew there would be long hours when I went to medical school. Just be grateful that I'm a nurse. The hours are heaven compared to what the surgeons have. Have a good day." She says and walks out the door before I can argue.

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