Chapter 3

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The Amber Shadows - Chapter 3

What the hell am I doing?

As the stranger jumps into the driver's seat, slams the door and drives away, I start to worry. What have I just done? I turn towards the door and try to open it, but it's shut.

"What's your name?"

They take down the hood of the black sweater they're wearing, revealing a mess of thick black hair underneath. A pair of bright green eyes glance at me. They're a man.

"What's your name?" he asks again, his voice growing more impatient.

He clicks his fingers in front of me and I snap back to reality.

"Look Missy, if you want my help, I need your name."

His dark, thick black hair falls into his eyes, but he quickly pushes the strands back, before looking back at me. I take in every inch of him, from his square jawbone to his big arms that are gripping the stirring wheel.

He brakes suddenly and turn right left so violently, I find myself being bashed against the door.

"Name!" he shouts aggressively.

"Maddie," I reply. My voice is shaky and barely audible.

"Maddie. Nice. Hi Maddie, I'm Jake. Now, fancy telling me what you were doing alone out there?"

He -Jake- brakes again and turns left as violently as before. Once again I'm projected onto the door.

Jake grips the steering wheel tighter.


The realisation of what I'm doing hits me again. I've just got into a car with a stranger, who's now driving like a madman to who knows where. I don't know where I'm going.

"I was looking for my Dad." Jake speeds up. "Hey, slow down! Where are we going?" I'm getting scared now. I don't want him to take me away from my Dad, from the house where he's supposed to be. What if he's still there? What if he was hiding?

"What happened to your Dad?" Jake asks, completely ignoring me.

"I don't know. I couldn't find him, you need to take me back! He could still be there."

Jake frantically overtakes over cars as we leave town, heading towards the forest and country.

"Maddie!" he screams at me.

"I don't know, alright? He screamed and then he just disappeared, I was trying to find him and panicked and-"

"What's his name?"

"David, David Hills. But wh-"

I jump as Jake hits the dashboard and cruses under his breath.

"I knew it..." he mutters.

"Knew what? Look, I don't know who you are, or where you're planning on taking me, but my Dad has just disappeared! My only parent, OK? He has a stupid wheelchair that he can't even walk without! You said you were going to help me, so what? Do you know my Dad?"

I start to shiver, and tears run down my cheeks. I always start to shake when I get angry. I quickly wipe my tears away and face the window. No way am I crying in front of him.

"Maddie, I promise I'll help you," says Jake in a calmer voice "but right now I need your help. Just answer my questions, then I'll answer yours, OK?"

It's darker outside now. The town's lights have gone, and the roads are empty. I wrap my arms around myself: I'm still wearing my stupid white pyjamas.

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