Chapter 22

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After Rachael left, I helped Lin up.

"I'm so sorry about her. I knew she was crazy, but not this crazy."

"It's fine. It's what happens when you're with someone who's ex has crazy friends." she smiled.

I mentally cringed. I didn't like being 'with' her. The only girl I ever wanted to commit to was Nikki. And now I've gone and screwed it up.

All because of my career.

I never told Nikki I wanted to do modeling. But, since I've got a good body, I wants to do it. And, it pays killer cash. I'd be able to pay for the wedding of her dreams, but now that's not going to happen.

Two days later, I was scrolling through my instagram when I stopped because Nikki finally posted something.

It was a picture of her, fast asleep, with another guy's arms around her and face buried in her hair.

The caption read 'first peaceful sleep she's had in three days'.

Jealousy filled every inch of my being. I recognized the guy she's with, and I don't like him. He's one of her old best friends that moved away. He left her for a life better.

Just like I did. Oh boy, I've got a lot to fix.


When I got back to the apartments, I stormed up the stairs because I didn't have time for the elevator.

I walked into the apartment and Donnie looked up at me. He was on the phone.

"Man, you deserved it."

"No I'm not gonna handle her."

"I would've done worse."

"Yeah whatever."

"Her side? I'm gonna stay on my sister's side no matter what."

"Yeah, that's what I'm wondering too." he said then hung up.

"That Ty?" I asked as I took a seat next to him.

"Yeah. He told me everything that just happened."


All of a sudden, Donnie was bringing me into his arms. I hugged him back then pulled away.

"What was that for?"

"For kicking his ass."

"Oh, that was my pleasure."

"You beat him up?" Nikki asked from the hallway.

"Nikki! How're you feeling?" I asked and made my way towards her.

"Did you h-hurt Tyler?"

"Umm, yes, but I have a valid reason."

"Well? What is it?" she asked impatiently.

"Well, he, um. He's being stupid. And um he's atahotelandsleepingwithLin. I'm so sorry." I rushed out.

"H-he is?"

"Yeah, I'm so sorry, Nick."

"Please don't call me that." she whispered.


It was our silent promise. I wouldn't remind her and she'd try to move on.



Two days pass and I've barely left my bed. All I've eaten is ice cream and all I've listened to is sad music.

My room was covered in my clothes everywhere and extremely dark.

Donnie and Rache finally figured out that I want to be alone. I've cried myself to sleep every night since our initial fight.

I was an emotional mess. I felt numb. Like nothing could possibly hurt me ever again.

But, he seemed fine. He's been posting pictures on instagram of him and a brunette beauty. He seems genuinely happy.

I guess that's what hurt the most. The fact that he's moved on so quickly. It's not like I died, even though I feel like I have.

My thoughts are interrupted by a light knock on my door.

"Go away." I mumble, not sure if they heard me.

They didn't because a few seconds later, Luke, my old best friend, came in the room.

"Hey, I heard you've been going through a tough time. Do you wanna talk about it?" he asked quietly and sweetly.

I shook my head quickly and he smiled sadly, making his way to the bed.

"Okay, just know I'll be here when you're ready to talk."

He sat down on the bed next to me, and slowly wrapped me up in his arms. I gladly excepted the warmth he provided.

We laid there in silence, just like old times. He just held me and let me sob into his chest. He would whisper sweet nothings in my ear and soon enough I drifted off to sleep.

And this time, I dreamed about my best friend, Luke.


I woke up with strong arms wrapped around me. I rolled over and came face to face with Luke.

I smiled slightly because I was reminded of how we were when we were little.

His eyes fluttered open and he smiled sleepily at me.

"Morning." I mumbled.

"Morning." he said then yawned.

I buried my face in his chest.

"Ewww!" I groaned.

"What?" he said while laughing.

"You're so mean."

"But you love it."

"That I do." I smiled ten reburied my face in his chest.

He went to get up, but I clung to him.

"Can we just stay here all day?"

"Sure." he smiled then layed back down.

We stayed like that for what felt like hours. Until we were rudely interuppted.

"Nikki!" a familiar voice shouted from the doorway.

I turned to see Tyler standing there.


"Nikki, I can't just sit around and watch you lay there with him. I can't stand seeing you with someone else."

"Yet you cheated on me. Yet when I kicked you out you found your whore and slept with her!"

"I made some mistakes. I'm not proud of it, but I need a second chance."

"No. You're going to leave and never talk to me again, and I'm going to hang out with Luke because unlike you, Luke cares about me."

"I care about you too!" he yelled.

"No you don't! If you did, you wouldn't have cheated on me!" I screamed.

A lonely tear slid down my cheek.

Luke noticed and stood up.

"Tyler, I think you need to leave." he said sternly.

"No I think you need to leave."

"Tyler leave!" I yelled loudly.

Luke took that as a cue to come over and comfort me.

"Tyler, I don't need you. I have Luke now." I murmered as a dug my face into Luke's chest.

I heard the door slam and I let out a deep breath.

"Thank you." I smiled slightly and kissed his cheek.

"Anytime, Nick." he whispered.

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