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Herobrine woke up in the cold cave ready to start his day of harassing Steve again. He walked out of his cave into the cool crisp morning. He started walking through the thick rain forest. Leaves everywhere. His friend Enderman tellported in front of him causing him to jump.
"Holly good Noch, You scared me ender" Herobrine said rubbing his tired eyes.
"What's up with you? In all our years, I have never been able to scare you once" Ender said, crossing his arms.
"Just tired... Lets hang to night, I have to go Harass Steve" Herobrine said letting out a sigh.
Ender just nodded and tellaported away. 
Herobrine finally found Steve after an hour of walking, He peeked at him from behind a tree, He saw that he was bathing, Usually Herobrine would just turn the water into lava. But this time was different, He just looked at Steve as he washed his body. 

Herobrine also felt diffrent. He felt like he wanted to take Steve in his arms and kiss him and hold him. 

"Woh hold yourself together Herobrine..." He said to himself. 

He quickly ran away and back into his cave. Not sure of what just happened.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2013 ⏰

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