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I ran as fast as me feet could carry me, dodging trees as I went. The sound of the dead trampling behind me made me run faster, there was maybe 20 of them, and I had 5 bullets and a knife that has seen its days.

My feet felt the crunching the leaves and twigs underneath me when I doubled over a root. I fell on the ground and my hand whipped around me back and I heard a crack.

I screamed in pain as I got up, holding my hand and continued to run, the dead close behind. I kept running until I came face first into a wall. I followed the side of the wall to see if there was a door and I luckily found it. It was a large gate with people patrolling it. I was about to yell out when I felt a walker grab my foot and I fell over and hit my head hard. I must have a concussion. My vision was blacking out when I heard a gunshot and the grip on my foot loosen.

I seen a blurry figure above my head with a sheriffs hat and shaggy brown hair reach down and pick me up bridal style. I held my head up for a few seconds as I heard him muffledly tell to the people beyond the gate.

The last thing I saw were his peircing blue eyes then. I blacked out...

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