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Nemedy's P.O.V

Rick said that I was going to be staying with carol for now until they found a place for me to truly stay. I was ok with staying at carols. She's was part of the reason I'm not dead yet.

I walked into the room that I was staying in. It was a proper room and the walls were blue, probably a boys room. I walked inside and looked around, it was nice. There were shelves with nothing on them, it was probably all taken. There was a longboard in the corner with a baseball bat.

I walked over to the bed and sat down on it, feeling something on the mattress that I had on my bed before all this. Memory foam.

It made me sad a little bit and I stood back up and walked over to the dresser. I looked at the thing On top of it. Some shells and trophies. In the back there was an iPod nano. I haven't seen one of these in what seems like forever

I picked it up and to my luck there were headphones connected to it. I put the headphones in my ear, it probably didn't work but it was worth a try. I clicked the top button and it lit up as well as my face.

I scrolled through the music and I stopped at a song I knew so well. Wafia, heartburn. It was my favourite song.

I clicked on it and the words danced in my ears. I shoved it in the side of my leggings and walked over to the side of the wall and picked up the longboard. I should probably go explore this place.

I walked out of the door and slowly crept down the stairs with the longboard towards the door. I opened it slowly and walked outside, closing it behind me.

I jumped down the porch stairs with the longboard and dropped it on the paved ground, put one foot on and pushed myself out into the roadish sidewalk. I road down the road listening to the music as I pushed myself again.

The song I was listening to finished and Don't by Bryson tiller came on and I started lipsyncing it but not very noticeably. I pushed off again and continued down the road looking at all the houses lined up. I looked in the corner of my eye to see a bell tower as I kept going.

As I went along I seen a girl and two boys walking down the road when there eyes averted my way. The taller looking boy smirked at me and I raised my eyebrow and rolled my eyes. I pushed of again and went a little faster. I still felt their eyes on me but it didn't bother me.

I continued down the road and I say many other people walking around. I turned around another corner as I came up to three big solar panels. This must be where they get their energy from for the houses. I went around another corner to see a row of houses connected, must be townhouses.

I continued down that road and turned left to see Carl's house and Rick walking out of it and sitting on the deck as he seen me. I started to speed up hoping he didn't try to stop me and talk to me. I pushed off about 4 more times and I started to go really fast. I looked to my right and seen ricks eyes beeding on me, I waved and turned my head back to the road to see a big rock in my path. I tried to swerve away but that didn't work. Sending me flying off my board and my headphones wrapped around my arms making me not able to catch myself.

I landing a few feet away from my board and I have a huge gash down my arm, it was gushing blood and I started to curse from pain

"Fucking cunt!" I yell-whispered but i seen shoes run up to me, and to my luck it was Carl who was laughing

" quiet the tumble you took there huh?" He laughed and I looked up at him and laughed as I said

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