Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

  The next day Ludwig and Elizabeta came to visit. I could tell they were surprised to see I had eaten, cleaned and was dressed and ready to go. I had thought about it last night, this chance of getting Lovino back, it wasn't something I could give up. I had to at least try.

  "Feli, you're up. And dressed." Elizabeta said in shock. Ludwig stood beside her, shocked as well. Even if it didn't show on his face, I could see it in his eyes.

  "Sí, I have stuff to do today." I said as I got my boots on. I still didn't smile but I knew I wasn't going to cry. For once, I was feeling completely emotionless. Hollow even.

  "What kind of stuff?" Ludwig asked and I glanced over at him. Should I tell him? No I couldn't they would think I was crazy. But I should at least tell them half the truth.

  "I'm going to Rome." I told them honestly. They glanced at each other and I knew they weren't sure if that was the best idea. But I didn't care what they said, I was going to go.

  "Do you think that's the best idea?" Elizabeta asked. I knew she was concerned for me but I didn't care. I had urgent matters that needed to be taken care of.

  "I'm sorry, but I have to go there. Just trust me okay? I'll be fine." I said but they didn't seem convinced. "I'm going to Spain's house tomorrow anyway. It's not like I'm going to be there long."

  Or at least I hoped I would be going there tomorrow. It all depended on how long it took me to find his Ren, or name part of his soul. And there was the time it took to get there. It wasn't far though, especially since countries traveled faster than humans.

  "Im coming then." Ludwig said and I shook my head. He looked a bit shocked at that. I never had refused his presence before.

  "I'm sorry Doitsu but this is something I have to do alone." I told him. He frowned at that, and Elizabeta spoke.

  "Feli, are you sure?" She asked and I nodded. I didn't need them thinking I was going crazy and trying to stop me from getting Lovi back. They would just have to wait to see the outcome.

  "Alright fine. At least let us drive you to the airport then." Elizabeta said. I sighed inwardly before nodding. If this is what I had to do to get them off my case then I'd do it. 

  "Can we get going then please?" I asked the two. I wanted as much time as I could get to find Romano's Ren. Plus the fact that I said I was going to visit Spain tomorrow. I'm sure they would check up on that fact somehow.

  "Let's go then." Ludwig said and started for his car. I climbed into the back seat and Elizabeta was in the shotgun seat. Ludwig started the car and headed towards the airport.

🇮🇹 ❤️ 🇮🇹

  The trip hadn't been too long. Being a country, I didn't have to go through security or wait for the flight to arrive. I was directed to a private plane by some really nice security guards. They all knew who I was, except for the new guy. But he was really nice too.

  I grabbed my backpack and headed into the city. My backpack held extra clothes, pencils, a note pad and money. I didn't know if I was forgetting anything but I sure hoped I wasn't. But what else did I need?

  I slowly started to wander the streets of Rome. The cobblestone beneath my feet and the stone buildings around me. There was a lot of tight streets that aloud very little crowds. It was hard to get through at some points.

  But honestly, I didn't mind any of it. Even if it ate up my time. It made me feel more connected to Lovino. This was his capital after all.

  As I was walking I couldn't help but notice a bit of movement in the corner of my eye. I looked over at one of the small side streets and had to force myself not to scream. I started to push my way through the crowd, going over to the side street. My heart beating against my rib cage as I neared.

  "Lovi!" I whisper-yelled, when I got free of the crowd. He looked over at me but said nothing. He came forward, and pressed his ghostly lips to my forehead. I looked up at him, but he was already running off.

  "Amore, wait!" I yelled and ran after him. We ran down many tight side streets and I had to try not to trip on some of the things in my way. Things like crates and a few citizens.

  It was hard to keep my eye on the ghostly image of Lovino. But somehow, I managed. I squeezed past people, and buildings. I got splashed with dirt mop water too as I ran. But I didn't let that bother me, I just couldn't.

  "Lovi?" I asked aloud and looked around. I was out front of the colosseum and I had lost sight of Lovino's spirit. The warmth of having him with me seemed to be missing. His Ib had left me. It was gone and I didn't know where it was.

  "Amore, this isn't funny." I said as I continued to look around. I slowly wandered into the colosseum. It was empty, since there was nothing happening at the moment. Plus it was starting to get late, any shows that might have happened were long since over anyway.

  I climbed up the stairs to where the seats were. I then headed down to the rail so I could look over the edge into the middle where the action would take place. I didn't see anything at first, nothing that really caught my eye. That was until I looked again, closer this time.

  There in the middle was Lovino but he wasn't alone. There were actually two of him. Or at least there seemed to be. But I didn't understand it. How could there be two?

  Then I realized, his Ib had found his Ren. I watched in fascination as the two joined hands. As soon as both hands were holding the others they started to fade. My eyes widened and I panicked as they did so.

  "Amore!" I yelled, leaning over the railing as far as I could without falling. It was too late. They were both already gone.

  I let pushed myself back away from the edge and ran towards the stairs. My breathing already heavy from not having enough time to catch it earlier. I rushed down the stairs taking it two at a time and hurried into the centre of the colosseum. I could hear the blood pumping in my ears as I did so.

  "Amore!" I yelled close to tears. I had lost him once again. Two parts of his soul gone. I was too late.

  "Feliciano?" Lovino's voice called. My eyes widened and I rushed forward as he started to appear once again. This time he seemed a bit more solid, although I could still see through him.

  "Lovi!" I yelled and ran to hug him again. He was a bit shocked and stumbled back. He wrapped his arms around me, hugging me back.

  "What is it you idiot?" Lovino asked as I buried my face into his transparent chest. Tears of relief escaping from my eyes and rolling down my face. He was here, he hadn't left.

  "I thought I lost you again." I mumbled. Even if I had planned not to tell Lovino he had faded, I just had. But I hadn't realized it. And they way Lovino reacted, it turns out he had already known.

  "I'm fine. I'm two parts of my soul now is all. They fade before the bond together, idiot." He said and placed a hand on my head. He ruffled my hair slightly before fading once more. But the warm feeling stayed with me, so I knew that I now had his heart and name with me now.

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