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Hello! So I know I haven't updated this since like..last year? And I'm sorry. I've been seeing comments and votes on it and I'm surprised! I thought this wouldn't get any reads but like..a few and its nice to know that people enjoy this. But there are a few things I'd like to say.

The first thing is that this story wasn't supposed to exist anyway. I know what you're thinking, "then why did you create it in the first place?" You see, I was half asleep, obviously not in my writing state, and I had also finished watching the movie 'Mean Girls' - my favorite movie, its hilarious - and I was like, 'Hey! For shits and giggles -pardon my language for any pg people- I'll create this story and see how far I can take it without loosing interest or getting lost.' And Bam! The story was born.

Another thing. I've gotten messages with large amounts of criticism about the story. I GET IT. This isn't the best story in the world, but hey. It can't be the worst. Right? Anyway, they most say, 'Your writing is horrible, you can't even complete a sentence. ' Okay thank you! Haha, I know how I used to write, I don't need your bs opinion on the way I wrote. Again this was from a year ago, its called progress.
Another thing that is brought up, is that 'The relationship goes too fast' Okay, that's fine. If you don't like how last year me wrote the chapters then.. You're welcome! You now know not to read this anymore. Good job. But seriously guys. I don't need your opinions if all they do is contain criticism, harsh criticism, That'll be all for the messages part.

The last thing is that I've noticed how I get comments saying, 'cute' and/or 'Update!' And I thank those of you who enjoyed my crap writing and illiterate self. Thanks, I mean it. Bringing this subject up, I'll get to the point straight away. I have decided, for those of you that actually enjoy these two...very..terribly written chapters, I will recreate this story, in a more literate sense. That's all for this update. My next update will be telling you when the book will be released!

The girl in the back of the class (Modern NarutoxReader)ON HOLDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora