What's Good?

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I'm Aniya. Yep, the co-author/grammar editor. If you didn't already know, I have a few books on Wattpad.

But hey, I'm not here to advertise. This is just a backstory.

So I met Hannah in the funniest way possible, honestly. We were in the 8th grade (not long ago at all). It was my first day of school. I was the new kid. I met this one girl who was instantly my friend and this kid came up and started messing with her. He ran away, and I thought he was kinda cute. The chick I met told me I didn't want to get involved because he had a girlfriend, so yeah. I instantly backed off. I don't do the whole "relationship ruiner" issue.

Somehow word got around, and the chick I met is all, "I swear, I don't think you'll want to meet her." But being the stubborn retard I am, I wanted to meet the oh-so-intimidating Hannah Rice.

The first thing Hannah ever said to me was, "Oh? So your the bitch that was trying to steal my boyfriend?"

I disliked her instantly. She didn't even let me get the chance to explain myself. But whatever. I'm too nice to be mean... like, I really was. So I started sitting with her and her boyfriend and everyone else.

We hit it off pretty quickly, and here we are now, freaking out over a bunch of good things that would make this story all happy and dandy and what not.
I know. Weirdest relationship, right?

Even if she was being a royal buttock the day she accused me of trying to take her boyfriend, I'm glad she called me a bitch. I mean the both of us are more fabulous than before the time we met anyway. Gotta love that.

Name: Aniya Smith
Age: 14 years young, dude.
Birthday: 01/17/02

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2016 ⏰

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