Letters From J.A.R.V.I.S.

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The holographic projector hung mid-air, its blue simulations flashing back and forth as a skilled hand operated them. In the dim light of the lab, the good doctor stood engulfed in paperwork and formulas. His eyes shifted constantly, always collecting and assessing, calculating the data and adjusting the algorithm. His hands moved endlessly, turning over stacks of endless work to find the new proof, work on the new hypothesis.

As he worked, the doctor noticed a certain calm flow over him. Not peace or contentment, but calm at least. His work, while shuffled and somewhat frantic, always left his mind sort of... sated.

Dr. Banner sighed as he resigned to the fact that the day's work might just have to be finished tomorrow (he really was getting tired, and the answers just weren't coming yet). It was then that another scientist strolled into the lab, exuding an air of confidence, and a slight body odor.

The doctor assumed that Tony had just come from the gym, given his clothes and the usual cocky attitude he always wore just a little farther out on the edge when he worked out. Not to mention that gorgeous semi his shorts didn't do so well to hide.

Still, he throws him a bone.


Tony looks up at him like he's just realized he's in the room and that conversation is even expected. Bruce knows that's not the case. He still smirks at it anyway.

"Yeah. Fantastic. You should have been there. Broke a sweat in, like, three minutes. My trainer is a goddess. And not in that pretentious, Nordic way. She's brilliant. Just, brilliant."

For a moment, Tony closes his eyes as if he's imagining all the ways in which she's 'just brilliant'. Bruce figures he'll give him that. Tony has somewhat of a knack for picking out the all the right people to work with. Why he ever even let Bruce in the lab is beyo-

"And speaking of brilliant! Whatcha workin' on? Cool super-gamma stuff? Or did you break new boundaries in bio today?"

Bruce almost thinks he hears a faint "Hmmm?" punctuating the sentence. He forcefully doesn't entertain the idea. Inhaling a short breath, he replies.

"Well, not so much today. And you?"

Bruce knows Tony had snuck into the lab early before ducking out for sparring practice, as he sometimes does.

"Eh. Tweaked prototype parts for the new suit. Green lighted a couple projects from R&D. You know how it goes."

He glances up and gives Bruce a smirk, and there's something glittering in his eyes.

Bruce just rolls his own in return. "Sure."

Tony is quick to ask, "Want dinner? I'm starving."

And sure, Bruce thinks. Why not?


It's later that night when Bruce stumbles into the lab, just slightly punch-drunk from dinner but happier for it. Tony had left on a short business trip for most of the night, and Bruce knows that, with the drinks in his system and the gamma trying to fight them off, he won't be able to sleep just yet.

He slides around his work table, eyeing all of his current projects as he wonders which one to open. He glances up at one of the computer screens as he greets the unspoken presence in the room.

"Evening, Jarvis."

"Good evening, Dr. Banner. How may I assist you?"

Bruce thinks about it for a moment, and finds that he doesn't really know. He shrugs.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2017 ⏰

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