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I sat on Mr. Hart's bed. He had left for breakfast a few minutes ago. I was afraid of leaving the safety of this room. I could be caught. I could escape and die somewhere. Alone. Starving or freezing. What if I just stayed here? In this room. He could sneak me food. He could be my friend and keep me safe.


We had a plan. Now I had to go. I stood up and opened the door. The hallway was completely empty so I just walked toward the door. I thought this was pretty easy, until I saw him.

Mr. Smindle. Walking across the street, toward the orphanage. I hid in one of the nearby empty classrooms and listened. I heard the main door open and at first I heard nothing more. Like he had stopped.

I was sure he could hear how loud my heartbeat was, I was about to try to find a new hiding place, until I heard his footsteps, fading down the hall.

At first I only peeked out the door. Empty. I almost sighed in relief, but I wasn't free yet.

I quickly ducked out the main door. I wasn't really sure where to go at first. Then I saw a wagon. With a pile of blankets covering whatever was in the back.

The owner of the wagon was still talking to the store keeper. I took my chance and tucked away under the quilts. At first I didn't understand what the smell was, or the odd fur beside me. I lifted the quilt just enough to see and almost gagged at my findings. It was dead calves. Three of them. They looked to be torn apart by some sort of animals. Maybe a wolf or coyote.

I was about to jump out of the wagon to find a new way of travel when the man started to climb into the front. If I moved now they would send me back for sure. I tried to stay perfectly still as the wagon started moving.

I could hear the sounds of the saloon as we passed by and slowly, the sounds of the town started to fade away. I could hear birds and the horses hooves pound on the ground. The man in the front was whistling a tune I didn't recognize. I heard another wagon passing us and our pace slowed. I was expecting him to stop and talk to them, but they just passed us on by. We kept at this slow pace for a long while and then we came to a sudden stop.

I heard children shouting to their father, I assumed they were talking to the man in the front of the wagon. I heard a woman's voice next.

"Did you order those traps?" She asked.

"Yes darling," the man said. "They'll be in by next week."

"I don't know how our cattle will last a week." She said a little sadly.

"I could ride up to Banville and get them myself and they'll be here in a few days, but I'm not sure if I can take a trip like that right now. If I plan to have this harvested in time I need all the time I can get," he said with a sigh. "The cattle will just have to try to survive."

"How will they do that?" A small voice asked.

"Well, kick the wolves or run." The man said sounding a little sad. "That's the best I can do for now."

I heard their footsteps moving closer to the back and my heart skipped a beat. I had hoped to escape when they went inside or weren't looking, but that wasn't going to happen. I stayed perfectly still, barely even breathing. Holding my small bag to my chest. Praying they wouldn't lift the quilt.

The sunlight blinded me at first as the quilt was yanked from the back of the wagon. There was no noise at first. Like everything had frozen. I opened my eyes to see the man and a small woman, staring at me in shock.

"Who are you?" He asked. I sat up and tried to move away, but felt the dead calf behind me. I stayed silent. "Well, who are you?!"

"I-I" I stuttered but couldn't form a word. I felt an unpermitted tear race down my cheek. His wife looked at me with a soft smile.

"It's alright dear. His bark's worse than his bite." She laughed. "Don't be afraid."

I didn't speak and she reached out towards me, but I moved back. If they know where I'm from they'll make me go back. She looked at her husband and he understood. He nodded to her with a slight smile.

"Come on," she smiled. "We can talk inside."

At first I didn't move. I stayed there hoping they'd give up. They didn't move. They waited for me. Finally, I decided to go with them. I had no idea who they were, or their plans. But I didn't have much of a choice.

I stood up and started to climb out of the wagon and the man helped me while I fixed my flustered dress.

"There we go. Now come on, I've got some fresh cinnamon bread cooling in the house." She said taking my hand. She pulled me into the house and to the table. It was a simple little house. Tiny and cute. The furniture looked like it was homemade. Sturdy and simple. She placed the loaf of bread in front of me and a plate. It was steaming as she ran the knife into it. Cutting a slice off and putting it on a plate before passing it to me. "So, how did you end up in my husband's wagon little miss?"

At first, I didn't want to speak. I couldn't. I didn't want her upset with me for hiding there. I spoke to more women than men. I felt like I could better handle their anger. This little woman seemed so kind and patient. She cut off a slice of bread for herself and took a bite.

"Aren't you going to eat that bread?" She asked. I nodded before picking it up and breaking a bite size piece off to eat. The orphanage taught us to always eat like proper ladies. We wouldn't get dinner if we didn't eat properly.

The warm bread was amazing since I hadn't had breakfast or lunch. She was looking at me with a concerned face. I lightly smiled and decided I needed to speak to her. I hoped she was as sweet as she seemed.

"I'm sorry. I don't speak very often, if at all. I don't mean to rude. I ended up in the wagon by accident. I just needed out of the town for personal reasons." I said calmly.

"Well, I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to ask what those reasons are." She said with a serious look that didn't exactly fit her tiny, sweet face.

"Well, there's a sort of an arranged marriage. I might happen to be sort of be leaving before a wedding can take place." As I said this I could hear my heart beat and I was sure she could too. What if she sends me back?

She stayed silent and still. She looked lost in thought for a moment. Then as though hearing her name or having some sudden important task, she hurried out the door without a word.

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