Chapter 1

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My bed is warm. I've missed its embrace, its been far too long. I wiggle my toes and pleasurably stretch. When was the last time that I've been home? It's September now, so that makes it about nine months or so. I'm surprised. I thought it would have been long gone by now. But, peculiarly, the place is untouched.

I slowly get up, still feeling groggy. On autopilot, I go into the bathroom and do my routine. Polished, white teeth, clean, fair skin, and soft, angel kissed hair. I say I've done a ravishing job. I wander out of the sweltering bathroom and open the closet. I grab a black shirt and some pants and throw them on. Rubbing the sleep out of my eye, I open my bedroom door. Time seemed to slow as I walked down the cramped ally that was my hallway. I needed to find something to do. School? Not the worst idea, not the best either. Plus, I don't think they would let a mysterious nineteen year old guy around their precious adolescents. Knock. Knock. Who the hell could that be? I creep to the door and peer through the peep hole. Its Lily! I grab the door knob and swing the door open.

  "Holy shit. Long time no see!", I say excitingly, "Its been forever!"

"What, didn't think I'd forget about that pretty face of yours, did ya'?", she said with a mild giggle.

  I blushed, making her smile and giggle a little more. Lily has been my secret for a year and a half now. I went away for a little while to try to find other options for us, but with no avail. I told her to wait, and she did. One of the things I love about her, is her faith in me. But if people knew what we were doing, it would be pure chaos.

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