✈ Chapter 0.9 pt. 9

876 73 37

Surprise!!! I'm not dead. 

Not proof read. Read at own risk

In no time Junhoe's hand flies in front my eyes, covering them from Jimin's naked slip. My mouth lets out a surprised sound in form of a gasp. I hear some gasps coming from the left side too, which makes me kind of relaxed since I'm not the only one reacting like this.

His hand is disturbingly cold, which sends chills down my spine. Despite this fact, I still don't feel uncomfortable, at least not to the extend where I want to remove it.

"Oh my god," Hanbin breathes out. I suppress my laughter the best I can. I guess the sight of Jimin is shocking him.

When Junhoe doesn't remove his hand after a few seconds, I start to fight my mind on whether or not I should remove it. At the same time I clear my throat, he seems to get the memo. The first few moments when his hand is no longer there, my body suddenly feels a little icy.


"It's okay."

I had hoped our first words were going to be a lot more different, but not this type of different.

I had hoped our first meeting would be memorable, but not this.

I wish I had never hoped for anything.

When I dart my eyes on Jimin I can see his red cheeks, and, now, covered bottom. Bobby gives him a pat on the back while I admire Bobby's cute eye smile.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to do any of that."

Jimin stutters. It's not a surprise that he is embarrassed, I mean I would be too if I were him.

Having trouble with finding the right words to say, I end up sending him a reassuring smile.

"It's fine. Can you just please go and get dressed?"

When he leaves to go and find his clothes, taking my sister's underwear with him at the same time, none of the other boys say a thing.

I know it's rude, but I try my best to ignore the boys who I have turned my back against. If I don't pay attention to them maybe they'll disappear.

That doesn't happen though.


Nice. My first words to kpop idols. Very nice.

Forgetting everything that has to do with manners and letting others speak, they bombard me with telling their names.

Everyone except Junhoe.

"My name is Hana."

"Hello, Hana", they say in unison, which freaks me out a bit, considering how in sync they are.

"Let me introduce you", Hanbin says with a voice I can't recognize, gesturing to Junhoe. Before he can actually introduce him, Junhoe cuts him off spitting out some angry Korean words.

I awkwardly wait for them to finish what they have started, but the end doesn't come. Instead Hanbin begins copying him, throwing some glances and some words at Junhoe.

The guy with the mole, Jinhwan I believe, bows at me and tries to find out what's going on between the two of them.

Bobby steps forward. "Can I have some water?"

I suddenly feel embarrassed. I should have asked them to come in a long time ago.

"Of course. Come in." The rest of them are still waiting in the hallway. "All of you", I add.

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