Chapter 5: Moderate

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My father always said you become a man when you buy your first house, though I don't know what he meant by that since he burned ours down once after a drunken fight with my mom. Terri and I walked into a house that was brand new. It was a new model and of course the person tour guiding us through the house said the grand foye and the sun nook were extra. Terri wanted them both but I don't want to bite off more than we can chew and lose everything. Then Terri took me to a little room in the back, she looked at me said this where our daughter or little gay son will sleep. She even wants to put a mini piano in there so me and my kid can put on shows for her. I knew at that moment I would do whatever it took even if that meant getting a part time job, to make that dream come true.

****Mercedes point of view****

We walked into glee practice and Mr. Schuster asked if we would like to sing a little Kanye. He looked at Finn and told him he had the male lead. Finn rejected the offer because hes still trying to figure out how to sing and dance at the same time. Mr. Schu stepped out asked if I got this and of course I do. Then he took off his jacket and said he'd take over Finn's part. Then the music started and I started off the song.

**New Directions sing Gold Digger**

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