When I Met You

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This is dedicated to NishaRose for the amazing cover on the side! I might just use it... ;)


Chapter 1: Love At First Sight - Part 1 [Noah's POV]

Noah's POV

When I met her, it was a beautiful sunny day. She was moving in next door, and from the moment I rung the door bell and she opened the door with her mud-caked face, slimy clothes, and a blue baseball cap, we clicked. But what caught me from the beginning were her brown eyes.

I could just look into them and fall deeply, trying to get away from the deep, understanding brown eyes I've grown up with ever since first grade. She understood me, helped me from day one, and loved me...but not the love I had wanted. Not the love I wanted her to give me. Just as friends.

My heart pulled, twisting violently against my chest as I thought about Ronnie. My best friend, my sun through the dark clouds, my ying to the yang, my life boat to the drowning sea, my firefly through the woods, my warmth through the cold, my first crush, my Ronnie.

Even though I am Noah Kings aka the player, I do have feelings. Ever since I met Ronnie, I feel in love with that girl. With her chocolate, creamy eyes; to her bright, pink lips that always held a smile; to her long, dark locks that tumbled down her smooth skin, she was the one for me.

Always has been, always will be.

Though, how was I supposed to tell her what I really feel? I may have a cool, fluent language with most girls cough whores cough, but Ronnie always had a way to surprise me.

Just the other day, when I walked jumped into her room; she was sleeping as snug as a bug...at least that's what I thought.

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As I slowly tip toed to her comfy, warm bed, I saw her move a little. Scared I had been caught I stopped, watching her breath in and out, through her parted pink lips.

Oh dear lord, help me! I thought as I pictured images of her kissing me.

"Snap out of it!" I whispered to myself, shaking my head as the pictures slowly tumbled out.

Okay, now on to my mission.

As I tip toed to her bed, I pushed the covers and blankets she had thrown on aside gently, as to not waking her up.

I laughed under my breath as I smiled, seeing her in her blue and white pajamas that had footballs on it. I put my hand in my black and purple sweater Ronnie had given me on my birthday last year. Surprisingly, it still fit. I took out a buzzer you would see in one of those game shows, and slowly put it on her pointer finger, like a ring.

As I was about to walk away, I felt a hand grab me suddenly and pulling me hard, as I tumbled back.

"Haha, you should...have...seen...your...face!" Ronnie said laughing as my face turned a light shade of pink I tried to cover, but of course Ronnie caught it.

"Oh, is Mr. Player blushing? In front of moi!?" she teased me as I felt my face grow red.

"Shut up Ronnie. How did you know it was me and when did you wake up?" I asked curiously as to Ronnie waking up.

Let me tell you something. As I am the definition of an early bird, Ronnie is the definition of a sloth.

That girl will never wake up, whether someone was on fire or as to the world ending. So you could imagine my surprise as I saw my best friend awake and laughing in my face at eight o'clock in the morning.

"Eh nothing. I slept a bit early after yesterday's humblagam." she said brightly where areas I laughed at her words.

"Oh really Ron-won? That wasn't how I remembered it, with you clinging onto me when we had to go through that alley as to your awesome (note my sarcasm) plan sneaking out when we were both supposed to be grounded." I said even though I loved the feeling of her in my arms.

Payback's a bitch, I thought smugly as I saw Ronnie's face turn pink with embarrassment, confusion, and discomfort.

I loved her face like that. It showed a little of her guards breaking down and instead of the sneaky, mischievous trouble maker, you could see a teenager with emotions that even I couldn't make out.

"Hey I didn't mean for you to get uncomfortable Ronnie. I was just kidding." I said worriedly, wrapping her in my arms when I saw her shaking a little.

Suddenly she started laughing loudly as tears fell off her beautiful eyes.

I stared at her, trying to look annoyed and angry but I could never stay mad at her. Soon I was joining into her laughter, as we kept hold of each other while we laughed.

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"Hey Noah!" Ronnie shouted as she bounced on my bed.

"It looks like you were dreaming of someone. Who is it? Someone I know?" she asked me and I heard traces of sadness and longing in her voice, though I was sure I was just imagining that.

Wasn't I?, I thought.

"Nah, no one really." I lied when I'm thinking, if only you knew Ronnie. If only you knew you are the girl in my dreams...

A/N~ Hey guys, I just wanted to try this story plot out so here you go. I wonder how it's going to turn out, but stick with me here. Anyhow, this story is going to star Lolena and additional characters as well. I'll do the plot as well, but just tell me what you guys think, alright? I have a plot in mind though I have to sort it out so you'll see what you'll get. Anyways, thanks, and remember to Vote+Comment+Fan...and Promote... ;)


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