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"Mom, where are all the forks? Seriously, we aren't animals, we don't eat with our hands!"

"Calm down, JoJo, Andy's coming with them!"

JoJo had been acting all crazy ever since Greyson and I got home. First, she wouldn't let Dad watch TV, then, she wouldn't come out of the bathroom for a while, now she's complaining about forks. I think it's the wedding. It's about time she worried about something other than my problem.

"Are you going to act like this every single day?" I tease her, setting forks down around the table. "I thought it was the engaged that acted batshit crazy before a wedding."

"Andy, language," Dad shouts from the living room, reading a book since JoJo hid the remote.

"Last time I checked 'batshit' wasn't on the list of words I couldn't say," I smart mouth.

"Remind me to add it in..."

I laugh and walk back into the kitchen to help Mom and Greyson with the food.

"Steak night, huh?" Greyson mocks me as he hands me a pan of lasagna. I stick my tongue out at him and he kisses my cheek.

"Alright, lovebirds, back to work," JoJo shoos me out of her way.

The table was set pretty quickly, with lasagna {for Greyson}, cheesy garlic bread, and salad. It didn't take long to get everyone to the table, either. Everything smelled so good!

"So, Andy, Greyson, did you guys find rings? " Dad asks with a face full of cheesy bread.

"Yeah, they were pretty cheap for rings," I admit.

"Yeah," Greyson puts in, "only two-thirty."

"Where'd you guys get two hundred dollars?" Mom asked, a little concerned.

"Greyson came up with the money somehow. I didn't question it, I was just grateful we could get them."

"When can we see them?" JoJo clapped and squealed.

"In time. By the way, Mr. Tracy needs an invitation to the wedding."

"Cool, I can do that."

I cut into my lasagna and stuff it inside my bread, right beside the cheese.

"For someone who hates lasagna, you really know how to pair it with bread," Greyson says.

"I don't hate lasagna, what gave you that idea?" I defend myself.

"You sure were hating on lasagna night, walking home."

"I was not hating on it, I just thought it was steak night."

"You two," Mom chuckles, "are hilarious. Not even your father and I had little arguments like that two years into the marriage."

"Haha," I say sarcastically and bite into the bread.
~ ~ ~

I liked joking with Andy like this, it made me feel like we were already bound together forever. He does this funny thing when he's not really angry but faking it, his eyebrows scrunch up making him look concentrated like a scientist. I smile at him from across the table and he sticks his tongue out at me again.

"That's so mean," I feign hurt.

"You didn't have a problem with it in the kitchen," he points out.

"Touché. I guess I'll never win an argument against you, ever."

"You got that right, at least," Joanne tries to brighten the situation, then casts her eyes down as she realizes that that didn't help.

Mr. and Mrs. Lavigne start to laugh and Andy looks at them as if they were psychotic. It's like this everyday, it kind of makes me jealous of Andy. He has a great family.

Then again, this will be my family in a matter of days.

I smile and speak up against the laughter. "Dessert?"

"I would love...!" Andy starts, but trails off as his mother clears her throat dramatically and leers at him.

"You guys can go ahead, I'll be in my room," he changes his mind. "Meet you up there, Greyson."

"Definitely," I promise. I watch him climb the stairs towards his room.

"Too bad," Mr. Lavigne says, "Karel made cookies."

"Yeah, why'd he turn it down?" JoJo inquired, bringing in a plate of peanut butter cookies.

"It's something the doctor said," Mrs. Lavigne explained. We all nod in understanding.

"Well, if Andy's laying off the treats, so am I," I rise from my seat and make my way towards the stairs. "Thank you for dinner Mrs. Lavigne, I'm sure those cookies are delicious."

I run up the stairs to Andy's room and sit on his bed next to him.

"I can't wait," I whisper in his ear.

"Neither can I," he says back.

I kiss his lips, and he returns the action.

"Mostly because I love you," he admits. "And partially because I can start eating sweets again after that."

I laugh and shake my head. "You son of a-" but he stops me with another kiss.

"Just a few more days and you're all mine, Huang."

I smile against his neck.

"I'm a Lavigne, now."

Stay A Little Longer: A Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now