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I'm walking I don't remember why or for how long. The only things I know is that I've got a splitting headache and a bump on my head. I can feel two animal ears, there pointy, i hold a lock of hair it was a silver blue, I'm still walking and I notice it's getting a bit cold so I quicken my pace. It's dark but I can still see, what am I? I feel a swaying on my lower back. I turn and saw a tail that's the same color of my hair, my tail was long almost touching the ground and that's when I noticed there was snow on the ground.

I look around and notice that I'm in a forest. The forest calming but my heart was still pounding why was it pounding? I keep walking not knowing why I can't stop. I hug myself to try and keep warm. I tripped and landed in the snow, I picked myself up and shock my body. When I looked down I saw blood. I looked at my arms and saw scratches, I wiped my forehead and I saw more blood. I grabbed a hand full of snow and started to wipe myself to clean the blood off. Why do I have cuts? Where have I been. I felt a single tear fall from my eye, I wiped it off. How old am I?

I heard some fighting up ahead and instinctively reached behind my back. Why did i reach for my back. Did I have something to use? The fighting up ahead seemed to slow down which meaner someone's losing my. I started to run, I ran until I saw a woman, her back to a cliff. There was a large group of what seemed to be some kind of animal. The woman was badly beaten, she had a rose red robe with a white hood with cape. The cape was tattered and blood stained. "I won't be able to see my girls... But if I'm going down I'm taking you all with me!!!" Shouted the woman as she took out a silver cylinder. She activated it and a white beam of light shot out of the cylinder. She started to fight the black animals taking them out one by one until she noticed me. She had stopped her attacks but was hit from the side by one of the animals. "Stop it leave her alone!" I shouted. The animals stared at me. My body started to shake with rage. The mountain started to shake. Then when I closed my fist with rage the side of the mountain broke. Boulders and rocks fell the woman reached for me but I slid down the mountain with the rocks falling all the way down hitting the ground nocking myself unconscious.

I wake up to find myself slung over someone's shoulder. "Where am I?" I ask. " for someone who looks the same age as my daughter I find it hard to believe your alive." Said the woman. I start to feel pain on my back. "What is your name?" I asked. The woman simply brushed it off. "What is your name?" She asked. "I don't remember." I answered. "Well according to your collar your 066 Knight." Said the woman as she stopped at a large rock to pot me down. She had a large mask on. "Do you remember anything?" Asked the woman. "No." I said " do you know what a faunas is?" Asked the woman.
"No." I said. The woman took of her mask. "Well from what your collar says your property of a Sith Lord it doesn't say which but I just assumed one of the worse ones." Said the woman. "What's property?"I asked. The woman was a bit shocked . "You really don't know anything?" Asked the woman. I nodded once again. "Well can you walk?" Asked the woman. I stood to my feet with ease still having pain on my back. " your in the world of Remnant, there are two classes of people on Remnant, the humans and faunas, faunas are a species of people who are half human and animal. You are a faunas and a wolf one at that, there are four kingdoms the one your in know is Vale who has all kinds of people and fauna. Altus which favors more human then fauna, the third is mistral which is a swamp infested thug ruled hell hole so I'd steer clear. The last one is Vacuo its a desert place more home to fauna. i am a hunter class Jedi knight, we protect anyone who cannot protect themselves, there are other classes known as Hunter Sith worrior there more of the bad guys but we have to deal with them until we finally bet the Grimm." Said the woman. "What's a Grimm?" I asked "they are the monsters you saved my partner from. That's the reason why I came to get you as a thanks." Said the woman. I noticed she had a travel bag with her. "Are you going some where?" I asked. "I'm not cut out to be a mom let alone a hunter I'm going awol I wanted to say goodbye to my partner but then you should up you've got some impressive force ability kid." Said the woman.

"Force ability?" I asked. The woman face palmed "there are three types of abilities that humanity has gained over the years one being aura is the manifestation of one's soul in the universe, and can be used for a wide range of abilities. The specific abilities and their strengths differ from individual to individual and are dependent on a number of factors, such as experience, training, and innate skill. Semblance is the manifestation of one's innate and personal power as an ability unique to each individual, with the effects varying greatly from user to user. The nature of one's Semblance is noted as representing an aspect of their character. However, a person's Semblance can be similar to the Semblances of their parents or other family members and finally the force is an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us; it binds Remnant together. And some people can only use aura and semblances but if you get aura you get a semblance but it's rare to have all three, and you are strong in the force." Said The woman. "Can you teach me?" I asked. The woman thought on this "yes I'll become your master and you my student." For the first time since I've been walking in the forest I smiled.

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