Chapter 1 : The Good, The Bad, And The Badass

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"Todays the day i just now it." Said Luna

Lunas been chatting to a girl online, she always wanted a girlfriend ever since she was 16. She never really liked guys found them too blunt. Its not weird to be a lesbian as her master had told her.

Luna was a 18 year old girl with a gray robe and running sheos. She had silver hair ears, and tail. She was a wolf fanus  after all. She was exited to meet her online friend


"So if i where to ask you too meet up with me in vale would you?" Asked moon89 as her online name

"Id love to meet you in person!" Said iron madin as it was her online name

"Thatd great! My training ends around 3 in the after noon ill see you at the park near the coffee shop?" Asked moon89

"Sounds great see you then!" Said iron madin

(End flashback)

"Ok ok just relax she may not know that you like her but just take it easy." Said Luna

Luna was walking out her door when her master who was waiting at the other side of the door stopped her.

"Master Raven i thought we where done with training for the day?" Asked Luna

"Yes but i noticed how adiment you where to finish training early today... so i looked at youe diry." Said Raven

Luna looked down thinking she wouldnt be able to go out.

" do you truely like this person?" Asked Raven

Luna nodded her head

"Okay you can go but be back before sundown and remember what i said about calling me master." Said Raven

"Ok thanks mom got to go wish me luck!" Said Luna as she ran past her adopted mother

She ran and ran without thinking or noticing that she was already at the park.

She was nerves and walked trying to act casual

Luna saw a wide range of fanuas, human jedi and sith.

She hot a message on her scroll that she had gottem from her uncle Qrow

"Hey im at the park im wearing a red and gold robe." Said iron madin

This just made her more nervous, she walked around thinking of all that they had in common whitch was alot. They both like the color red even if Luna never wore red, they both love to train, they both respect jedies and sith.

As she was in thought she turned around to see her. She had a red and gold robe, Athenian sandles and a type of crown on her head, Luna couldnt move, her heart pounded and pounded with delight.

"Hello, im looking for someone at the park it may sound strange but we met online she goes by moon89." Said the girl.

"Ii... im moon87 i mean 89, 89, my my names Luna Branwen." Said  Luna

"Its nice to meet you, you dont need to be so nervus my names Pyrrha Nikos." Said Pyrrha

"Yyyyour right sorry its just im not use to meeting people." Said Luna

"I can see that but dont worry, so how was yoir training?" Asked Pyrrha as they walked side by side.

" well umm it went well and yours?" Asked Luna

"The same if you dont mind me asking
Why did you deside to meet now?" Asked Pyrrha

This is it this is Lunas chance to confess to Pyrrha

"Wwwwell yyou see umm hhow do i put this umm iive iii... i have feelings for you!!" Said Luna closing her eyes

They where both quiet

"Oh Luna im sorry but im a jedi." Said Pyrrha

Luna knew what that ment. When it came to jedi falling in love they both and to be jedis, opposite sex and become a hunter.

Luna didnt know what she should do... so she ran

( Authors note )

Wow long no write i know any ways the way i want this story to go is i want the readers to have a say so for instince if you want a certen jedi to be in then juat let me know in comments or message me any way peace put.

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