Chapter Twenty Six

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Chapter Twenty Six

Cameron’s POV

            When I pull away and am met face to face with Xander, the whole world seems to crumble worse than it already has and wordlessly, I push away from him and walk across the room of the funeral home and out the door, ignoring my Aunt’s calls that try and pull me back there.

            I hurry across the parking lot but am stopped by a certain voice. Usually I would have stopped, so when I stop and look at his face, I am confused for a second.

            “Cameron!” Marcus calls and gestures for me to come to him.

            I walk across the parking lot slowly before standing in front of him and beside his truck. He plasters on a smile and I break, the tears coming out without me knowing they were coming.

            Without saying anything he pulls me to his chest and I wrap my arms around his waist tightly until the tears subside and when I pull away he smirks.

            “You my friend, need to get drunk.” He tells me and I nod sadly. “Come on, I came prepared.” He says, gesturing to his truck and I walk around the truck without saying another word and get in.

            He turns on his truck and pulls out of the parking lot before driving further and further away. When we stop at a stop light he leans towards me and at first I freeze, beginning to think he is trying to kiss me but he stops and pulls a bottle of liquor out from under my seat.

            He hands it to me before reaching under his seat and pulling out yet another bottle along with two thermoses. He unscrews the top from his bottle and a thermos before pouring until the thermos is filled. He replaces the lid for both before handing me and thermos and I do the same. He grabs the empty bottles and replaces them under the seats and tips her thermos back.

            I do the same and grimace at the taste and he looks to me before laughing slightly.

            “Do you always carry these around in your truck?” I ask him, my voice hoarse and my throat raw. The liquor burns on the way down before sitting warmly in the pit of my stomach.

            “Only on the hard days.” He tells me and I nod before tipping my thermos back again.


            An hour and two empty thermos’s later we are hammered.

            Not only did he have the liquor under his seats, but he also had syringes and vile under the back seat that we both ejected in the creases of our elbows.

            I was numb, and everything that happened today, was gone from my mind and instead was replaced with everything but nothing.

            Marcus has parked on a dirt road and soon we both get bored so his red eyes look to mine.

            “Let’s do something.” He suggests and I nod.

            “Let’s.” I agree before bursting into laughter and he does the same.

            He starts the truck before looking to me with excitement.

            “Wanna go hill hopping?” he asks me and I nod eagerly even though there is something in the back of my mind telling me not to.

            I nod and he grins before turning off the dirt road and driving sloppily out of town before finding land that turns into nothing but houses and fences.

            He presses down the gas pedal and we begin driving fast, the world passing around me in blurs. The yellow lines are both solid, telling us not to pass because the roads were hilly.

            The first and second hill we get nothing, but the third, I feel my stomach rise as the truck is lifted off the ground. We jerk slightly when we hit the ground again and my stomach churns.

            “Maybe we should slow down.” I suggest slowly, my voice sounding deep and faraway.

            “No way!” he says jumping up and down in his seat and I see the seat belt hanging loosely beside him. I look over and I see mine hanging unused.

            “I think I am going to be sick.” I murmur and he laughs before looking away from the road and to me. I feel the truck lift off of the ground and when his eyes go forward. We hit the ground hard and my head hits the window, I laugh slightly until I look over and find Marcus fighting with the wheel and I look forward right as we plow through a barbed wire fence, across a field, and right into a tree.

            The truck is swung to the side and the sound of glass breaking and metal bending, the sound of a loud crack fills the air. My head smacks into the windshield and I am thrown onto the hard metal of the hood until I hit the trunk of the tree before hitting the ground with a heavy thud.


            A pain so unbelievable that even the drugs and alcohol couldn’t numb it.

            That was the last thing I felt before the world went black.


            “Cameron, Cameron can you hear me?”

            “Apply more pressure to her head, there is quite a bit of blood.”

            “Cameron honey, open your eyes if you can.”

            I open my eyes and everything becomes clear, the pain, the lights, everything.

            My head slams with a extreme pain and my whole body aches. Lights tower above me along with blurry faces. I open my mouth, wanting to ask what happened but no sound comes out. Soon my eyes become to heavy, like I am falling asleep, and I cannot keep them open any longer before they shut again.

            “Cameron, stay with us.”

            “Get the respirator, her heart is slowing.”


            And that, is how my story ended.

End of book one

Hey there probably angry readers!

Alright, so before you do something drastic like drop my story ;) ask yourself, do you really think she is gone?

And who knows, maybe the whole 'end of book one' things means there is another book?

I don't know, but thank you for staying with me through book one! I really didn't intend for all this to happen, let alone the first book to be ending tonight, and I don't know if I really like it.

I will probably be putting book one and book two together one day because I don't know if I like this whole thing. Lol

But hope you liked it!


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