Chapter 14

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(Jonathan's POV)
They called me to the school, saying that Andrew had been in a fight. I don't like to brag but, I was kind of a legend in the school. It wasn't a surprise when I walk into the nurses office and hear a bunch of hoots and hollers. I tower over all the boys. I spot my brother by the hospital-like bed.

He is talking to someone. I walk over to them and notice it is a girl. She has bruises on her arms, wrists and face. She had a giant hicky on her neck. She was wearing the same dress and shoes as Liz Beth had been wearing. Then she looked at me.

"Who did this to this girl," I demand, pointing to Liz Beth.

A few boys raise their hands. "Anymore?"

Over half of the boys raise their hands.

"If you didn't do anything to her, then please leave and I am sorry about your bruises. Hopefully they heal quickly."

About a quarter of the boys leave. The remaining boys look scared. I laugh and I see them relax.

"Now. I know y'all have a good reason why y'all did this and I'd like to hear it. So let's see... you," I point to one of the stronger boys in the room. "What is the reason you big boys beat up this fragile, weak, beautiful girl." When I say that, I caress Liz Beth's cheek.

"I...uhh... don't...umm...I don't know. It was his idea..." he points at another boy.

"Ok. What was your reasoning for hurting this defenseless, young, vibrant girl?"

"I am not falling for your trickery. She's a girl. Yes. She was defenseless. Yes. But she is also a (word I do not use). Do you not see this hicky mark?" He points to Liz Beth's neck.

Suddenly the door opens.

"Liz Beth!! Oh my gosh! What happened to you!" Amber Lynn makes her way to Liz Beth. She sees me and stops. Her worried face instantly turns into a smile. "Ok. I see you have this under control. I'll see you later, Jonathan." A few of the boys whistle as she walks by and she glares at them. Finally, she is gone.

"This hicky mark?" I laugh. "Do you know how she got that?" I see Andrew glaring at me.

"Don't do it, bro." He challenges.

"I gave her that." I say, triumphantly. "That is no ordinary hicky. That was given to her by me. See the little miss here came downstairs looking hot as can be. She walks right past me. I grab her arm," I point to the bruises on her wrist," maybe a little too hard. I sit her down on my lap. In front of my dear younger brother. I kiss her neck and her, because why? Because this little hot mess has stolen my heart. Oh, but she tries to reject me." I take her face in my hands. "She tries," I laugh," but I am much too strong for her." I lean forward, inches from my target, her lips. "She tries to forget me to deny how she feels, but watch when I kiss her. See her reaction." Then I kiss her. Not forceful, but passionate. I kiss her softly. She melts into me. Drawn to me. She kisses me back as I knew she would. Her hands make their way around my neck. Then, she pushes away.

"Stop that," she croaks. She scowls at me. I grin.

"I told you boys. Now. She is under my protection. Shall I ever see her harmed in any way, whoever is responsible, and I know she will tell me who, will be in grave danger. Now go!" I grin, winking at Liz Beth.

They all leave, until it is just me, Andrew, and Liz Beth.

"All the jocks, good job brother!" I slap Andrew on the back. He knocks my hand away and leaves. Liz Beth doesn't look at me.

"Just go." She mumbles.

"Hey, I'm not like that. I know Andrew is going to give you hell for what I just did, but I made a point. And if he doesn't understand that I probably just saved you, then maybe you should be with someone who is worth it." I look at her. "Yes. Maybe, like me."

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