The Dream

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   The sky's light blue color quickly faded as the smoke and ash of the fire spread. The whole Kingdom was in complete chaos. People were screaming and shouting, there was blood splatters all over the buildings and on the people. Soon the Beast would be finished with this kingdom and this world will be engulfed in the darkness of Its shadow. Just as I thought that the wings of the beast slowly unfolded as it flew to get to the castle's highest point. As it flew over to the castle's highest tower, the wings of the Beast shrouded the Kingdom in darkness. No tell tale color at all, aside for scales glistening silver in the dark.

A jet black dragon of the night.

As the Beast perched high on the tower it slowly unfurled it's head. The jaws pointed upward and opened wide. The red, hot magma rose through the Beast's chest and up It's throat- then it let out the fire. The flames engulfed everything! Setting devastation to what little remained of the Kingdom, and all I did was watch as everything burned to the ground.

That's when the world disappeared. And that's when I woke up

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