Chapter 2

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My phone woke me with a start. It was still the middle of the night and I had no idea who was calling me. I yawned and picked up my phone, answering without looking at the caller ID. “Hello?” The annoyance was thick in my voice. “Hey Sam, it’s me.” Chase’s voice greeted me solemnly. I detected a faint slur in his words and sighed, he was drunk. Chase hadn’t been much of a drinker until my brother died, but now he would go out to clubs on school nights and get so drunk that he couldn’t even talk the next morning. But I didn’t mind. I knew Chase needed me, so as much as I disapproved, I didn’t chastise him for it.

“What do you need Chase?” I curiously asked, sitting up in my bed, “I was wondering if you could come pick me up?” He asked slowly, trying not to stumble through his words. I sighed and climbed out of my bed, “Where are you?” Ten minutes later I was sneaking out of my house in some jeans and a sweatshirt, my hair was carelessly tossed into a bun on the top of my head, so I hoped the press wouldn’t see me or they would eat me alive. Somehow Chase had ended up at a bar in downtown LA. I didn’t ask any questions on the phone, but promised I would be there as soon as I could.

I silently prayed that my headlights wouldn’t wake my parents as I slowly backed out of my driveway. As soon as I was down the street I drove as fast as I could, hoping that I wouldn’t get pulled over. Downtown LA came into view after fifteen minutes, my GPS instructed me to get off the highway, and it took me deeper and deeper into the city. I pulled to a halt outside of the club Chase had said he was at, but he wasn’t waiting outside. I groaned and pulled out my phone as I parked next to the curb.

He answered on the third ring, and I could hear the thumping of the music in the background, “Chase I’m outside, come on.” I said tiredly, “Oh come on in!” He exclaimed, “You only have to be eighteen!” I sighed and turned off my car, being sure to lock it before I went inside. The bouncer who took my ID to make sure I was eighteen smiled in delight when he saw the name printed there, “Welcome Mrs. Grey. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” He extended a hand, which I quickly shook before disappearing into the crowd of the club.

I couldn’t seem to find Chase, and the further in I got the more people began to whisper when they saw me. Then someone appeared behind me and took the ponytail holder from my hair, allowing it to fall around my shoulders in messy waves, “I’m glad you came.” Chase whispered behind me as he wrapped his arms around me. He didn’t sound drunk now, but I knew he was. Normally he wouldn’t be this forward to me, “Chase can we go, the press is going to have this all over the news, then my parents will never let me see you again.”

Chase laughed as he slowly swayed me to the music, “They won’t find you.” I pulled away from him and turned to look up at him. He grinned and crouched down so he was eye level with me, “loosen up, have a drink!” He started to pull me to the bar, but I resisted, “I don’t want a drink Chase, I want to go home!”

Just then the whole club became silent, then someone shouted, “It’s Samantha Grey!” I froze, feeling the full weight of the calm, before the storm, then people were bombarding me, asking for my autograph, and taking pictures. It didn’t help that most of them were drunk, so they were all pulling at me. Chase saw my distress and stepped in front of me to shield me from all the fans, “Let’s go.” Just like that my old Chase was back.

He made a path for me through the people, then quickly hurried me out the my car, where we both climbed in on the passenger side. He slammed the door shut as I put the keys in the ignition and the car roared to life.

“You really need to stop coming to my rescue all the time.” He muttered as I dropped by to pick him up for school. I wasn’t quite sure if he was safe to drive yet so I had insisted that I take him. Of course I knew that it would start a whole slew of gossip surging through the school like a tidal wave, but since when did I care? “Chase, you need to stop wasting your breath on requests you know I won’t follow.” I pointed out. He sighed and slumped down in his seat. The dark circles under his eyes were more noticeable this morning and I knew that the fact he was hung over was not helping him.

“What am I going to do with you?” I said with a laugh as we pulled into the parking lot, “I think you should shove me out of the car before I can give the press more ammo to use against you.” He smiled sheepishly as he saw the unamused look on my face, “Right, I’ll just stop wasting by breath then.” Before I could utter another word he was leaping out of the car, tripping as he went. I couldn’t control the surge of laughter that bubbled up in me as I grabbed my bag and headed for the front door.

Chase had stopped in his tracks when he saw the surge of press attempting to get inside. The principle was outside shouting threats about calling the police, “Should we go around back?” He asked quietly when I reached him. I sighed and adjusted my bag on my shoulder before continuing forward, “I’ve got to deal with them sooner or later.” When I was about to reach the circle of press I heard a voice that could only belong to one person. Will was standing casually explaining my lack of judgment to the press, “She doesn’t really ever think about anything.” He shrugged flippantly before looking over the mob right at me, “I can’t begin to count the times that I had to rescue her from some drunken stupor.” He paused then sighed and began to pick up his backpack again. Fire is burning through me with an anger I have never felt the likes of before. How could he make up a lie like that?

     The press opens up, allowing him to leave, no one has noticed me yet. But he stops when he is almost inside the school doors, and looks back down at the press before adding steadily, “It became unbearable, especially after her brother died.” He was gone, disappearing inside the door before I can allow the air to whoosh out of my body. My most carefully guarded secret, spilled like some sort of inexpensive drink. My head spins as I fully allow myself to think about the fact that my brother is gone for the first time in months. Then the ground is rushing at me quicker than I can blink.

** Hey guys! Well I know it’s  been an extremely long time since I have uploaded anything, so I am sincerely sorry! But I hope you enjoyed it! J Comment?? Vote?? Fan??

The Truth is... {Sequel to I May be Famous But They Don't Know That}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora