tough love

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Tonight Nathan came home drunk once again... this is the 3rd night in the row. And everynight there's always something he's argued with me about ..
"Come here babe, give me a kiss" nate said. "No, Nathan you need too go lay down the smell of alcohol lingering off of you is horrible" I said back. "What the luck I haven't even drank tonight y/n what the fuck is your problem." Nate said. "Are you fucking serious Nathan???, you wanna know what the fuck my problem is?? That I've waited for you too come home everynight worrying if you are okay because your ass wanna stay out all god Damn night long drinking and smoking with all your little immature ass friends, then come home wanna touch all over me and act like you haven't done shit. That's my fucking problem" I yelled back too him. Nate grabs me up by my neck and pins me too the wall. "You need too chill the fuck out before I flip" Nate says practically choking me. "Ge-get the hell off Nathan" I said trying too get my words out. He throws me to the floor. "Maybe if you gave me what I want every once in a while, I wouldn't go out all the time and fuck on some bitches" he said after. Tears started coming up after hearing thosee words.. "oh, so you've been cheating on me?, you know what I'm tierd of all this shit, putting up with you all the time, worrying about what's gonna be next, being loyal too your associated when you are out here doing me dirty, I'm done with your bullshit" I said heading back too the room we shared, packing my stuff up. As I was putting all my stuff up I heard him and swazz talking. "Yo, what's going on?" Swazz said. "Nothing, this dumb bitch wanna act all tough outta nowhere like she isnt replaceable I ain't dealing with that shit, she's leaving" Nate said back too him. "I thought you guys were suppose to go to omaha too see your family?" Swazz sais back confused.. "nah fuck that bitch, I'm going by myself". Nate said. I walked out of our room with most of my bags packed. "So now you are flipping shit on me, like all of your actions are my fault???" You know what fuck you nate, fuck everything we had, fuck all your dirty lies and secrets, you are nothing but a piece of shit who doesn't five a fuck about anything but yourself. While you are out here talking shit about me like I'm the one out here drinking and fucking everyone, won't you tell your bestfriend what you do too me every time you are mad??? I said looking at swazz. "What is it?? Swazz replied . "He puts his hands on me, because again he can't even control his anger issuses, I've been taking abuse from this man for so long, Im use too it." I said back. "Pure such a dumb bitch" Nate says. "You are right, I'm such a dumb bitch for putting up with the physically, and verbal abuse because I was so blinded of how much I loved you. I'm so dumb for sticking around by your side for anything you went through I'm so dumb for loving you the way I do even though I get treated like a piece of trash On the side of the road. I'm done with this shit I need too take a break from all of this shit" I said in tears . I started walking towards the door and nate grabbed me up by my hair and thru me too the ground and punched me in the face twice bbefore swazz could get him off of me. "Dont you ever try too leave me after you talked down on me bitch, I gave you everything I pay for every fucking thing you got remember That" nate screamed at me. "You can have all of your shit back, fuck you and all this shit" every since you got a little bit of Money in your pockets you've Cchanged, and I'm out. Dontcall me dont text me, don't hit me up on social media I'm done with your ass. I said back. He tried coming for me again when I opened the door too leave but swazz yoked him up and told him too go back too the room and cool down. I went too my bestfriends apartment that was a few blocks from our L.A condo. That night I've got text after text and calls after calls from him but I haven't answered not one time too any of it .

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