AloisxReader-Thats what I hate the most about you-

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I grumpily sat inside a rickety carriage, staring blankly out the window. Everytime we went through a puddle caused by the never ending downfall of rain, a huge splash of water and mud would sprinkle the side of the door. My parents where sending me in their place to Alois Trancy's estate. I was not looking forward to babysitting a toddler in a 14 year old's body. Mabel, my maid, tried desperately to start a conversation with me, but I wasn't having it. After what seemed like centuries, we arrived at Alois' mansion. Mabel and I excited the carriage, and where greeted by Claude Faustus, Alois' creepy butler. His yellow eyes burned right through my skin and into my troubled soul. I flinched.
"Hello (Y/N)!" A familiar voice called. I looked up to see the teenage lord of the house running happily toward us. The rain drenching his white-blonde hair. He smiled widely, and took my hand.
"You look awful." He commented. He was probably right, in fact, I was positive he was right. I hadn't slept last night, and dark bags had most likely formed underneath my eyes. My hair was also a mess, as it became increasingly heavier with the weight of the water that fell on it due to the rain.
"Thanks." I say, tucking a tangled strand of (H/C) hair behind my ear.
"Well, Comeon then! We haven't got all day!"
He pulled me after him, up the stairs, and into his luxorius house.
"What shall we do while we wait for dinner?" He pondered for a minute. I opened my mouth.
"Oh!" He exclaimed before I could say anything.
"I know! Come with me!"
His grip on my hand tightened. I had no choice. We entered a ballroom.
"Dance with me."
What was he getting at?
"Comeon (Y/N), I know you like me."
My face immediately grew a dark shade of pink. No. No, I hated this excuse for a teen. Right?
He took a step closer to me.
Oh my god. He was so close.
I tried to take a step away, but he quickly swung his arm around my waist, holding me in place.
My heart beat began to increase as his icy blue eyes stared into mine.
"admit it"
I stared back at him, feeling my knees grow weak. He was annoying, immature, stupid, rude, demanding, a total drama queen... But ... He was also a gentleman, a sweetheart, super attractive...
He grinned, and leaned in, his soft lips brushing against mine. I felt hot all over, sinking into him.

Then he began to laugh.

I felt myself falling, and the next thing I knew, I was on the ballroom floor.
"I like messing with you(Y/N). That was fun. Let's go see if dinner is ready."
He pranced out of the ballroom. I blinked a few times, and then fell backwards, so I was laying down. Sure I hated Alois' mannerism, his immaturity, but what i hated most about him... Was the way he dug deep down into my emotions. Messing with me. Because as much as I try to hide it, to deny it... The devastating truth is that I'm in love with that stupid excuse for a lord. I'm in love with Alois Trancy

SORRY! THIS STORY IS ALL OVER THE PLACE. It's like... The middle of night. It's like already tomorrow. Today is the tommorow of yesterday. LOl. I don't know what I'm saying. I'm tired.

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