Alois x Pregnant!Reader

507 15 13

Requested by: @lady_saki01

You know that I love you-

I stood in front of my husband, smiling widely. His icy blue looking me up and down.
"Well, what is it? Spit it out." He demanded, resting his cheek on his fist.
"I'm Pregnant!" I couldn't help but squeal.
His expression changed from completely bored, to shocked. He removed his cheek from his fist.
"What?!" He said, now looking me dead in the eye.
"We're going to have a baby!" I said, hand cupping my stomach.
"Oh thank goodness! I thought you where just gaining weight." He blurted.
I frowned at this comment.
"What where you going to do, kick me out?" I asked, rolling my eyes, half joking.
Alois' expression changed once again.
"Y/N!" He whined.
I felt my eyes widen.
"I'm just kidding, love." I quickly add. His emotions changed so quickly, it was hard to adjust, but I'd been with the bipolar teen for so long now, that it'd become more of a habit.
Nice, Rude, Apoligetic, Rude again. Same old, Same old.
"So there's really a human growing inside of you?" He asks, eyeing my stomach.
"Mmmhmm." I reply, nodding, proudly.
"Wierd" he scoffed.
I exhale slowly, before putting a smile on my face. Patience Y/N, patience.
* * *
I sat the breakfast table, shoveling in food. Everything that Claude set on the table went into my mouth. Alois, And the triplets watched me, mouths slightly agape. "Oh... Did you want some?" I asked, grinning. Alois slowly began chewing his food again. "Is that all?" I asked, finishing my pancakes.
"Damn" The 14 year old laughed, mouth full of food.
"What?" I said back to him.
"Pregnant or not, you eat the exact same."
Just then there was a clatter of plates. Hannah lay on the ground, having tripped, upon hearing the news.
Alois burst into laughter, while I gasped, and stood, running over to assist the poor maid.
"You're pregnant?" She asked, her uncovered eye looking towards the ground.
"Yes." I reply, helping her up.
"Clumsy Idiot." Alois calls at her. I feel myself fill with rage. How could one be so mean to another.
Breathe Y/N.
I simply smile at the boy, and stand, holding shards from broken plates in my arms.
"...And now she's fat." Alois finished delivering the news of my pregnancy to a "family member" who had come to visit. They look from me to Alois, probably wondering why, or how I could ever put up with his behavior.
"Yes, Alois and I are very excited for our child." I say.
"So, you two aren't married, yet expecting your first child?" "Auntie" Isabelle asked.
"Married?!?!!" Alois exclaimed.
"Why would I want to get married?! I have no time for that."
I face palm, slowly shaking my head, as "Auntie" Isabelle stared at her "nephew", appalled.
One day at a time Y/n... One day at a time.
Alois and I lay in our shared bed. He stared at me with his beautiful eyes for a minute, before saying,
"Y/N, you know I love you."
This took my by surprise.
"You're the only person I've ever known that hasn't left me because of something stupid I say."
I take the boy's hand, and smile, replying with,
"Your love is what keeps me here."
"And...?" He asks expectantly.
"And... I love you too."
He grins, and reaches out to touch my stomach.
"And the baby too, right?"
"Yes Alois, and the baby too."


It's me, QueenKawaii. This chapter is a mess... This whole book is a mess.
And um... I have a sort of unrelated QOTD:
How do you guys feel about OC x Canon Charecter fics.
Bc let's say hypothetically, I wrote one... And want to know if I should post or keep to myself



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Also I have a YouTube channel now... So maybe subscribe to that?(link on profile)
I'll be doing shoutouts once I hit 100<3

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