Chapter 4

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The sun was quickly sinking as Ariana made her way through the forest. Though it was near the castle, this area of the kingdom was unfamiliar to her, for she had never stepped foot outside the gardens. All she saw were trees in every direction, stretching on forever. When sunset came, the trek through the trees became nearly impossible. She stumbled loudly over ferns and unseen rocks, and jumped at every rustle and crunch in the distance. She became lost in her thoughts.
             "Ooof!" She found her face on the ground with the wind knocked out of her. Her culprit behind her, a gnarled tree root, seemed to laugh as she lay in the soil.
     Ariana could barely groan as the air escaped her lungs. Her ankle burned. She looked to see a gash on it, seeping dark blood under the moon. Carefully, she lifted herself up as her breath came back. She huffed when she saw leaves and dirt stuck to her skirts Outside of the castle for hardly a day, and she managed to acquire the looks of a homeless beggar.
            After recovering, she continued her way down the path, weary of any sound. The soreness clawed at her ankle, causing her to limp. Right before she was about to let her legs give in, she made out a light between the trees. Hope flared in her chest. She would have a place to stay tonight. No one could deny the princess. She would have a bed to sleep on. She picked up the pace. Then she stopped herself. If someone knew she was missing, and someone noticed her absence in the castle, they would return her for the money offered. She mustn't tell them who she was. Ariana looked to each side-as though anyone could see her-and removed her dress. She stooped down and grabbed a handful of dirt to wipe on her face and slip. Now, she was just a lost peasant.
            As Ariana approached the light, she made out a small cottage. It was a concoction of tattered wood and shackles covered in moss. Her hope sagged. The garden was wild and unkempt, blooming dandelions and tall weeds. The light was coming from the only window on the far right side of the house. Cautiously, she limped towards the front door and knocked. No one answered.
            "Hello?" She called. Still nothing. She pushed on the door. It creaked open. Ariana stepped in and stood in wonder at what lay inside.
            What a strange house. Bizarre and magnificent. It was only a single room full of different odds and ends. Shelves lined the wooden walls, filled with jars and bottles of many shapes. Herbs were stored inside each one, Little glass orbs containing odds and ends hung from the ceiling, along with keys that must belong to the many locked drawers in a shelf. In a corner was what appeared to be a work table with a bowl and book Next to it, a shelf stood with more books than she had ever seen, dusty and complete with a cobweb at the top corner. The window, facing the way she had come, held a small candle, similar to all the others placed around the room. Her eyes fell gratefully upon the tiny bed in the farthest corner. It was small, but it had quilts and down pillows. Resting was the only thing on her mind. She placed her satchel on the chest at the foot of the bed and collapsed into the musty sheets, having no problem drifting into sleep.


            "You sure you want to do that? You don't know who lives there." Ariana opened her eyes to Caleb standing over her.
            She jumped up, bitter anger surging through her. She raised her hand, then faltered at the realization of what she was about to do. He took a step back.
            "Look, I'm sorry. I didn't have time to explain. Even now, I just can't." The anger dissolved into concern. She stepped back to look at him, at his ruffled hair, his straight nose, and his downturned mouth. His eyes were fixed on the ground, his shoulders slumped. It was unlike him.
            "Caleb," she said, in a harsher tone than she meant to. "I need to know. You cannot just show me something like that, and then somehow appear in my tower, telling me to free you. I've been so scared." He still looked down. She didn't understand why he couldn't tell her. All this time, she only thought him a dream. Someone her subconscious concocted to prevent her from being too lonely. And suddenly, he was here, but not completely. Maybe not even at all. It wasn't fair.
            "Did that really happen...?" She whispered. He didn't look up. "Are you an angel?" He laughed.
            "Far from it," he replied. Ariana stared in bewilderment.
            "What do you mean?"
            "Listen, we don't have much time left to talk. I can't tell you what happened." Ariana tried to protest, but Caleb cut her off. "I wish I could, I just...physically cannot. It's like a curse. But you must hear me out. You can't trust people, Ariana. And I'm worried about you." He took her hands, surveying her, searching her gaze. "You are so innocent, so oblivious to what is happening..." His thumbs traced the backs of her hands, and she sighed hopelessly. Hopeless because she longed for the touch of a ghost in her dreams, hopeless because she needed to help the ghost. Nothing made sense. There were so many questions in her head, unexplained riddles that triggered more questions.
            "Please try to explain."
            Caleb kissed her hands softly, glancing up at her. His emerald eyes bore into hers. "I would if I had the choice," He murmured. "Just know I care. Oh," he added. "You're also just where I need you. I just like to test your patience." Before she could respond, everything faded and she was enveloped in the bittersweet blackness.

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