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jimin: hi


jimin: talk to me

"why should i?"

jimin: i want to be your friend

what is a friend even

"friend? what do friends do?"

jimin: you don't know?

jimin: friends are a person who stays by another's side, being there for him or her. a person you know well

"i'm not risking that again."

he gives you a long sigh

jimin: so talk to me


jimin: misssss


jimin: MISS!


jimin: why don't you want friends?

just give up already.

"what a friend is like.. no one likes me."

"wait why are you here? go away!"

i push him off the grass i am on and into the concrete.
he looks at me, disappointed. he leaves.

for you.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora