More Than A Memory

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This floated into my head when I was taking a shower... LOL xD
I was originally gonna make it a Yew x Reader fic, but then I realized Tiz fit way better :3

(FINALLY got my hands on Bravely Second! Yay!)

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Tiz watched you from a distance. His lips were curved upward into a smile and his gentle eyes were filled with adoration.

This was so perfect. You were so perfect.

There was a small bounce in your step as you danced gracefully along the streets of the bustling town. Ever since you were a child, you had always been so curious about everything the world had to offer. And that curiously often caused you to end up in some rather troublesome circumstances. Since Tiz could remember, he was always busy tailing after you to make sure nothing ill would befall you.

"Tiz, come on!"

Tiz returned from his thoughts at the sound of your cheerful voice. His dark eyes refocused their attention back on you, who was currently happily waving him over.

He chuckled before responding, "I'm coming, I'm coming!"

"You're way too slow, you slowpoke!" You laughed as Tiz reached your side. Then you grabbed ahold of his hand within your own, entwining your fingers together like it was the most natural thing in the world.

Tiz's face immediately exploded into a dark shade of crimson. His breath hitched. Suddenly he became all too aware of your presence, from the way you did your makeup today, styled your hair, and to the cute outfit you were wearing.

It was all for him. And that got his blood pumping and his heart hammering faster than ever.

You were the only one capable of eliciting such a passion out of him.

Tiz's darkened eyes flickered over towards you. Despite your efforts to hide your face from him, he could see that you were equally - no, probably even more flustered than him. And that brought a genuine smile to his face.

He tightened his fingers around yours.

"Where do you want to go next?" He asked kindly in his gentle tone, leaning slightly closer.

"U-Um..." You stuttered, your face increasing in temperature.

Tiz's smile only widened at your reaction. It seems like he was the only one who could draw out such a response from you. He continued to lean in close, all while enjoying how you've began to become more and more nervous. How cute.

"I'll go anywhere with you." Tiz whispered against the shell of your ear before quickly pecking your temple.

"Eek! Tiz!" You squealed, embarrassed.

Naturally, you tried to move away from him, but his reflexes were much quicker. He tightened his grip on your hand, causing you to bounce straight back to him. You peered upwards at him nervously. Your brain was such a mess right now that you hadn't the slightest clue as to what you were supposed to do or say. Your heart had practically melted at Tiz's surprisingly forwardness.

It wasn't everyday you got to see this side of him.

"I um..." You racked your brain, desperately trying to come up with something before Tiz could tease you again. "Let's go to the market!"

"Okay," Tiz agreed with a nod.

You gave him a quick nod in return. Then you spun sharply on your heel and began to march in the direction of the bustling stalls. Tiz chuckled at your almost robotic-movements. He happily followed, just like when you were children.

But never once did he tell you about the weight on his chest.

Despite the smile he wore on his face, Tiz was torn on the inside. His sense of duty was currently pitted in a battle between his own selfishness. Although he got the blessing from his friends, he was starting feel guilty, ashamed even to be spending the day with you.

The battle was just about to hit its climax, and Tiz knew that better than anyone.

While he should be making the necessary preparations, he instead found himself indulging in his own selfishness.

It's been so long, since meeting Agnes and Airy, that he was able to have a day to himself. He can relax all he wanted after his journey was over. He had all the time in the world to do whatever he desired.

His time with you, however, was limited.

Every second he got to be with you, Tiz cherished it like crazy.

He had missed you so much. Your smile, your laugh... The way you said his name... That playful twinkle in your beautiful eyes... He had missed it all so much since your separation during the destruction of Norende.

But this reunion would ultimately be a curse. A terrible, terrible curse.

Tiz knew that he couldn't stay with you forever. He knew he shouldn't have approached you when he saw you. He knew he shouldn't have bonded with you. He knew he shouldn't have fallen for you... Again.

You wouldn't be there after his journey was over, and to welcome him home with a warm embrace.

Because you were long gone.

With his very own eyes, Tiz had seen you tumble into the Great Chasm. The 'you' from Tiz's original world was gone.

After meeting the 'you' from this world, however, Tiz finally understood. Your time together may be over, but that didn't mean you were really gone. You were his love, his soulmate. Meeting you in this parallel world proved as much.

You had left him behind with nothing but sweet memories. But you had also given him the chance to live, to find a new purpose in life, to meet new people and to fall in love once more.

To Tiz, you'd always be more than just a memory.


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