Paradise Rejuve Chronicles the one that got away part 1

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It was a simple job a search and rescue mission for a few refugees only to discover they were all children, and what's the bigger surprise they were all not real children but people who used to be older people, and the worst part was being forced to fight their abductors and accidentally killing one and then being captured by them, I showed them my government clearance card which allows me to enter and get those people to safety but they didn't care.

After being held captive by them for 24 hours they already put me through a rigged trial which I knew was a host.

Before my rejuvenation I had a little "chat" with my new jailers the ones that were keeping me prisoner here in there prison town called "Paradise" and those jailers were pretending to be my mommy and daddy they said I was going to be a little girl and they even gave me a new name Erica which something I'm really not comfortable with.

I tried to escape while I was still a boy but then I was put to sleep. The next morning I was paralysed and my body was numb I couldn't move and I was completely helpless. I watched my own clothes getting removed off me and some kind of dog collar was on me and that's what was preventing me from moving then I was completely naked and then put to sleep and being put into a dark and horrible machine which ruined me and my body.

When I woke up I was in diapers and a pink dress and I was unbelievably angry and those jailers didn't like the way I reacted.
"Hi Erica we're your new mommy and daddy and we're going to take you home now."
"Bullshit there's no fucking way I'm going anywhere with you bastards."
Then they washed out my mouth with soap and a brush and gave me something I thought I would never get... A spanking with a paddle.
"Erica Susan Kyle you will not swear in our family"
"You will change your bad attitude young lady or you will have a very red bottom by bedtime."
And on the way back to their prisoner house I tried to get out of the seat I was in I shouted and squirmed and struggled and I only got another spanking.
"Let me out of here let me out of here you assholes."
"Erica control yourself."
"Shut it blondie."
"Daddy we need another attitude adjustment."
They stopped the car and took me out to get hurt
"You will not swear you will behave and you will sit still in your seat."
"Waaaahhhh you sick sons of Bitches."
"Erica Susan that's quit enough you will get that filthy mouth washed with soap again."
When we got to their place the jailer mommy grabbed me and wouldn't let me go took me into the so called kitchen and washed out my mouth again.
"You will not swear and every time you do you will get spanked and mouth soaped"
"You will not swear in this family not now not ever."
"It's time for your nap Erica."
"Nap? There's no way I'm falling asleep not now not...
"That was tough."
"I know but that's what happens with y reps."
A few moments later
"Erica it's time to wake up did you have a good sleep?"
"Hey the name is Eric lady."
"Well now your called Erica now get up while I change your pants."
"Now come on it's time for lunch."
"Let's get your bib on."
"Forget it I'm not wearing anything else or eating anything until you tell me what's going on and why are you keeping me here?"
"Sigh you don't get it do you? Your a trespasser a murderer and have interfered with our business and now you have to be raised as a penny."
"Raised? Penny? Not gonna happen toots there's no way I'm letting you two spend any time with me."
"We will spend time with you and your first cycle will be much worst if you don't cooperate."
"Don't you dare touch me again I swear to god if you do I'll bite your fucking fingers off."
"And now your going to get your mouth washed again."
"Oh no you don't."
I threw food at them and tried to run and find a way out but then that jailer male grabbed me again and took me into the bathroom for another soaping
"Keep on swearing young lady and you'll have nothing but the taste of soap."
"We will make sure you stop swearing before bedtime."
After standing in the corner
"Come to me sweetie let mommy hold you."
"Are you kidding me, first you kidnap me put me through a rigged trial rejuvenate me, steal my gender, wash my mouth out again, viciously hurt me again using illegal tools that armed for kids and now you wanna hug me?"
"Forget it toots you wanna hug something go hug a tree cause there's no way I'm letting you touch me again not now not ever."
"Oh well in that case I can always fetch the paddle and...
"No no no I'll hug I'll hug you but just this once."
"Sigh thank you for letting me hug you Erica."
"Now it's time for your bath."
"Cleaning you is important."
In her head shut up you crazy lady
A few hours later
"Let's get you ready for bedtime."
"Now before you go to sleep tell me what you did wrong."
"Before we go to bed we do 4 steps now tell me what you did wrong."
"Wrong j haven't done anything wrong all day."
"Yes you have but I don't think behaving yourself for a morning releases you of trespassing and murder."
"For the last time I didn't murder anyone or trespass anywhere so let me go."
"Very well time for a spanking."
"No no not that waaahhhhhhh waaaaaahhhhh."
"We're going to repeat this every time in the morning, when you go down for a nap and when you go to sleep at night."
"Waaahhhh waaaaahhh."
"There no it's time to sleep your second day will much worst if you don't behave and listen to me and daddy is that understood?"
"Go suck a dick."
"Time for another mouth soaping."
"No no I'll go to sleep I'll go to sleep I'll go to sleep."
"Very well if you swear when you wake up you will be having soap for breakfast."

Hope you enjoy the next chapter is coming

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2017 ⏰

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