Chapter six

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Looking down at his feet, the ground was white and fluffy furrowing his brow, Louis jumped up and down a couple of time to find out what it was he was standing on.

It was springy, almost making him bounce each time he jumped. When he stopped, Louis noticed parts of it gently float up and softly land back down.

"What the-??"

Looking around, to Louis's amazement, it seemed that he was standing on a huge fluffy white cloud.

All around him was an endless stretch of clouds, broken by small patches of pale blue sky bursting through. A gently breeze suddenly blew across his cheeks, it was warm but refreshing causing Louis to close his eyes and smile.

So peaceful.

Louis lay down on the cloud, soft wisps slowly encircled him making him feel relaxed and comfortable. He began to drift off to sleep when a familiar voice drew his attention.

"What the fuck you doin?" He said, his words filled with laughter.

"I'm just, I dunno, sleeping?"

"You're on a cloud mate, kinda strange, most people sleep in beds"

"Yeah well so are you, I said, so whats your point?" A small smile curling my lips as I stood up to face, Harry.

"Fair point" He chucked just seconds before he jumped and wrestled me to the soft ground.

We almost bounced on impact, play fighting for a couple of minutes, we both stopped and laughed, Harry sat on my stomach pinning my hands at my side.

Suddenly wisps of cloud engulfed us, hugging us, gently pushing us subtly closer together.

Starring deep into each other eyes, Harry slowly leaned forward and pressed his lips softly against mine. My heart beating fast through my chest.

Harry pulls back searching my face, his hot breath warming my skin. Pulling my hand from his, freeing myself from his grasp, I place them either side of his face and pull him to me and kiss him again.

My lips tingled to life and I found myself running my tongue along his bottom lip asking for permission. Fire flickered in his eyes and he opened to me.

Our tongues danced with amazing passion and I melted into him wanting this perfect moment to last forever.

Harry pulled away resting his head on mine and looked into my eyes until our panting breath slowed. Flashing his perfect smile, he planted a tiny kiss on the tip of my nose, rolled next to me and pulled me to him.

As we both lay there looking up, the clouds above us slowly parted and the most amazing sky spread before us.

More stars than I could ever imagine twinkling so softly, then, every so often a bright shooting star illuminated the sky as it shot across like a lightning bolt.

Everything felt right.

This was where I was meant to be.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2014 ⏰

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