What do we want? 7/14/16

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We always want something wether it's to accomplish something or get something. The problem is when we get or do thing we wanted, we realize it's not really what we wanted. It's not enough we want more because we aren't satisfied with what we have. It's a spiritual problem, God is supposed to satisfy us. We aren't supposed to look for things on earth to satisfy us, we do because we aren't living as whole people. We are living in the world but God is in us as Christians.
I am a Cheerleader and I power tumble, I have a back-handspring and round-off back-handspring. I know God is with me everywhere I go and in everything I do but I get mental blocks all the time causing me to tumble better on some days than others. I have been wanting to get my back tuck to try and make varsity in high school but if I succeed I know I truly won't be satisfied once I get it. If you play a sport and have a skill or play a musical instrument and are working on a piece, you won't be truly satisfied once you get it ether. You will then get a harder skill, piece, or tumbling pass. So why can't we just put in all our trust into God and be satisfied with him and not focus so much on what we want?
It's because we think those things will satisfy us though it won't, Satan tries to find reasons and things to distract us from God and he does it everyday. We can't let him get to us though.
2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2

Our culture is focused on money by games,social media, Internet, etc.
There are very few people who genuinely want to teach real truths and inspire people to live a Godly Christian life.
We also can fall into settling instead of trying. We can settle and fall into worldly things or do something about it and make a difference.you can get stuck in a skill you think you've gotta have when really if you try a different perspective you can see what God's got for you to do.
How much thought are put into things you want or want to do?
Read Romans chapter 12
stay in the word! #Sitw
Shoutout to s0ph1e123 and her book A teen Girl Guide

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