#7 He Sees You Crying For The First Time

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Harry: The migraine continued to intensify as you shut the frondn’tt door and made your way over to the couch. You fell face first, groaning in pain. This was the worst one you had ever had and it just wasn’t going away. You clutched the throw cushion and moaned into it. You could feel your tears begin to soak into the material. You were too distracted by the pounding in your head to notice that Harry had quietly entered the flat. “(Y/N)? What’s wrong baby?” he asked softly, making you lift your head from the pillow to look at him. He was by your side in an instant when he saw your red eyes. “Love what happened?” He lifted you from your position face down on the sofa and let you lean into his shoulder. You squeezed your eyes shut and buried your face into his shoulder, mumbling the word migraine just loud enough so he could hear. “Oh babe… Do you need me to get some painkillers?” he asked softly, stroking your hair. “Please?” you whimpered and he didn’t think twice before getting up. He soon returned with a blanket draped over his arm, two pills and a glass of water. Setting the water and pills on the coffee table, he wrapped you up in the blanket, grabbing the painkillers. You put them in your mouth and took a sip of the water, washing them down. “Thank you,” you whispered. He sat next to you and you lay back down, head resting on his lap. “You’re welcome babe. Just relax.” You closed your eyes and finally fell asleep as Harry ran his fingers through your hair.

Liam: Working as a waitress always had its ups and downs. No matter what, there were always customers that treated you less than human, you just hadn’t really let it bother you. You couldn’t lose this job. This evening was definitely busier than usual. You were running from table to table, trying to keep organized. Later on, a group of young guys came in and just your luck, you were assigned their table. They looked oddly familiar, but you really didn’t have the time to figure it out. You approached their table, quickly introduced yourself and took their drink orders. As you began to walk away, you noticed that one of them was looking at you. You ignored it and retrieved their drinks. As you were carrying the tray of drinks to them, another table called out for you. You told them you’d be with them in a second, but they were getting impatient, and continued to yell for you. You brought the tray over to the boys and handed them out, as the slightly older men continued to try and get your attention. “Sorry, I’ll be back to take your orders in a minute.” The boys nodded in understanding and you went over to the man. “We want to refill our drinks,” one of the older guys said as you reached their table. “Okay sir,” you replied, not wanting to cause more of a scene. “Next time you’ll come when we call you yeah?” he said in a harsh tone. “I’m sorry, but I was serving that other table sir.” “Not an excuse, I thought the customers always come first!” He began to raise his voice and people began to watch, including the young men. “Sir, I’ll ask you not to raise your voice, I’ll get you your drinks.” You looked around the restaurant, embarrassed. “No, I want another waitress! You’re shit! I want to speak with the manager!” he yelled getting in your face. “How you got this job, I’ll never know!” You couldn’t help the tears that began to roll down your cheeks. Suddenly, the man that had been looking at you came up and began to defend you. “Sir, I really don’t think it’s necessary to raise your voice at her, she hasn’t done anything wrong.” “What do you know pretty boy?” Just in time, the manager walked out and began asking questions. The man explained his side of your story, but you were too upset to talk so the boy explained for you. Luckily your manager understood your side and kindly asked the man to leave, reassuring you it wasn’t your fault. Once the situation had settled and people went back to their conversations, you turned to the man who had stood up for you. “You didn’t have to do that… but thank you.” “It really wasn’t a problem. You didn’t do anything wrong. I’m Liam by the way.” He held out his hand and you took it but instead of shaking it, he pressed a kiss to your knuckles. “(Y/N).” “Well (Y/N), it’s nice to meet you. Maybe we can hang out sometime?” He looked hopeful and you saw no harm in getting to know him. “Sure… I get off in an hour. Then we can arrange something.” He smiled and nodded, heading back to his table.

Niall: Hate, hate, hate. That all you saw anymore. At first it wasn’t too bad and you reassured Niall that you would be fine, but now, the comments were just getting worse and you could feel yourself breaking. You hugged your pillow to your chest, keeping your eyes glued on the screen. The tears fell steadily down your cheeks, dripping off of your chin and onto your arms. This was silent torture for you. Niall always told you that none of what they said was true, but as they continued to pile into your feed, they also began to pile into your heart. “(Y/N)?” Niall asked quietly, making your head snap up. He was leaning against the doorframe, giving you a sympathetic look. “Sorry… I-I… I just wanted to see…” you whispered. “They’re not true princess.” He spoke with so much truth, it made you cry anymore. “Then why do they say this?” you choked out. Niall walked over to where you were sitting on the bed and began to soothingly rub your back. “I don’t know, I really don’t. But really? They all probably have nothing better to do. It’s not true. You know that and that makes me so proud… It’s okay to break sometimes love. It happens to the best of us.” He shut the laptop screen and pushed it aside, sitting his knees in front of you. Without saying anything, he leaned forward and pressed a passionate kiss to your lips. You pushed the pillow out of the way as he began to push you back on the bed, not once breaking the kiss. In that moment, he made you feel like the only girl in the world. He was yours and no matter what they said, his actions would always mean more than them.

Zayn: You and Zayn were only a few months into the relationship when your grandmother passed away. Yet, you hadn’t shed a tear. You didn’t want Zayn to think you were weak. You had always worried that if you cried, the person you were with wouldn’t want to deal with it, so ever since that fear had been etched into your brain, you kept a stone face in all situations. Zayn had been by your side the whole time. He had canceled all previous engagements, knowing that he needed to be with you. You didn’t push him away either, you did need him. The day of the funeral came quick. The service was beautiful. So many memories were shared about her amazing life. But you still didn’t cry. You needed to be strong. Zayn was watching you, looking as if he was ready to catch you the moment you snapped. You had to eventually… He was correct in his predictions as well. When close family gathered at the cemetery, the casket began to lower. The waterworks turned on and you fell to your knees, sobbing. Zayn, being prepared, fell with you and wrapped his arms around you, holding you close to him. “Even the strongest people are going to have their moments,” he whispered as you bawled. His words made you feel safe. You knew that you could trust Zayn, even at your most vulnerable moments. Just like now. He held so tight that for a moment, he was the only on there. He was your rock, your strength. Zayn was your everything.

Louis: The movie ‘Titanic’ always got to you. At the end when Jack sunk into the dark cold water, your eyes couldn’t hold in the little water droplets. One evening, Louis and you were flipping through channels when he got up to use the washroom. You continued searching until a familiar scene came up on the screen. “I’ll never let go Jack,” Rose said and pried his frozen hand off of hers, letting him go. As if on cue, your eyes begin to water and tears drip down your face. Louis walked in just as Rose began to blow the life whistle and he immediately noticed you crying. “Babe? What’s wrong?!” he exclaimed rushing over to you and pulling you into a hug. You let out a watery chuckle and pulled back, wiping away the tears from your face with your sleeve. “I’m fine.” “But you… you were crying!” Again, you laughed. “Titanic was on.” That was all you needed to say for him to understand. “Ooh… don’t do that to me! You scared me! I thought something was wrong!” he said, half joking, half serious. “Aww Lou, I’m sorry.” You kissed his nose. “It’s nice to know you care though.” You shot him a cheeky smile and he sent you a half smirk. “Yeah, well…” Louis teased, shrugging his shoulders. You didn’t say anything until he turned and smiled widely. “C’mere you!” He tackled you onto the couch cushions and began tickling you. “Louis stop!” you squeeled. “Not until you laugh again!” he commanded in a playful tone. You burst out in a fit of laughter, not being able to hold it anymore. “There we go! My job is done!” he cheered. The laughter died down and you grabbed his face in your hands, kissing him forcefully. “Love ya Lou,” you whispered. “I love you too angel.”

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