Utaite Reacting To Their Ships

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Mafumafu: Soraru-San do you know fans have been shipping us together ?

Soraru: Yes I am aware

Mafumafu: Wouldn't it be fun tell the fans we are an official couple ?

Soraru: Yeah.....No

Mafumafu: But it will be fun to see their reactions ! (^ー^)ノ

Soraru: ......Still No

Mafumafu: Ehh? Why?

Soraru: It's not nice to mess around with people's feelings, imagine you in the same position.

Mafumafu: Then I would happy!

Soraru: Happy...? Why?

Mafumafu: That means the person I'd admire is still single and I can still marry her~

Soraru: I don't understand your ways of thinking.....

Mafumafu: Good. Then I can keep my thinking to myself.
Piko: After our magnet cover people have been shipping us together a lot more lately (・Д・)ノ

Sekihan: And it is clearly your fault.

Piko: Eh? How is this my fault ?

Sekihan: If you didn't act all tsundere then we would have been fine.

Piko: I am not and was not a tsundere.

Sekihan: Prove it.

Piko: How ?

Sekihan: Do you love me ?

Piko: What kind of question is that ? And No way I'll ever love you!

Sekihan: See, you're a tsundere!

Piko: What?

Sekihan: You denied your feelings for me when you clearly do have feelings for me Σ( ̄。 ̄ノ)ノ

Piko: I don't-

Sekihan: Tsundere ~

Piko: I give up...

Sekihan: So you finally admit you have feelings for me ? (=゚ω゚)ノ

Piko: No-! I-

Sekihan: Shhhh don't force yourself (ゝ。∂)

Piko: Please go and die...
Kradness: Reol! Reol! Want to do another cover together again ?

Reol: No

Kradness: Why??

Reol: I feel violated whenever I'm with you now.

Kradness: Eh? Why ? Is it because of our ship ?

Reol: No not really....well.....yeah, it's because of that.

Kradness: It's just a thing between fans don't worry about it!

Reol: I don't feel comfortable with it though....

Kradness: Oh? Then do you want to me tweet and tell our fans to stop shipping us

Reol: No, that will ruin their dreams and feelings.

Kradness: Um...is there anything else I can do to help you ?

Reol: Just don't do covers with me for awhile.

Kradness: But-

Reol: You sound better solo anyways ;)

Kradness: Really ?

Reol: Yep!

Kradness Thanks I guess? I'm going to recored now, bye!

Reol: Bye!
Lon: Sora-Chan! Sora-Chan ! Fans have been shipping us together!! (*^o^*)

Soraru: Seriously? Another ship I'm in ? And please don't call me Sora-Chan.

Lon: Yep! Wait what? There's someone else ?! Who ?

Soraru: Mafu-kun.

Lon: Okay, I'm going out now.

Soraru: Eh? To where ?

Lon: Mafumafu's house of course!

Soraru: Eh...? For what purpose ?

Lon: To mur- visit him of course! (*^o^*)

Soraru: I'm going to go and warn Mafu-kun.
96Neko: Aha I'm in a ship with two guys, is this a harem ? Lol.

Kogeinu: A harem ? Where ?

96Neko: Here.

Kogeinu: Where ? Who and who ?

96Neko: Tenchou you and me.

Kogeinu: But I'm straight and single

96Neko: Are you sure your straight ?

Kogeinu: Yes

96Neko: Your magnet cover with Mucchi did sound a bit yaoi

Kogeinu: What? When? It was Mucchi's idea blame him

VipTenchou: Um...guys can we stop talking and sing our song ?

96Neko: I'll sing when Kogeinu stops being stupid

Kogeinu: Kuro-Chan that's was mean (T ^ T)

96Neko: Eh really ? I was just stating the obvious

Kogeinu: Yes it was and what do you mean stating the obvious ? I'm not stupid

96Neko: Well you always tend to act stupid and dumb-

Kogeinu: Do you want to fight?

96Neko: Eh why ? I don't really get it but sure

VipTenchou: Just stop already

Kogeinu: Awww you sound so cute


96Neko: No need to go that far to prove you are a dude

Kogeinu: Yah yeah! What Kuro-Chan said !

VipTenchou: I'm done with you guys.
Soraru: Lon I think we shouldn't be doing stuff together for awhile.

Lon: Why...?

Soraru: There are haters who are against us together and are hating you for it....

Lon: It isn't your fault...

Soraru: I know but I feel guilty not doing anything about it..., I want to protect you from the haters.

Lon: Really it's fine, if that is what you really want I guess we won't be able to do collabs and play minecraft together again live again.

Soraru: Yeah sorry...

Lon: It's fine, we can play and sing in our own time. But I really don't mind.

Soraru: No it's okay, it hurts me more to see you being bashed.

Lon: Aww, thank you.

Soraru: No worries, anything to protect a friend~

A/N: Please don't take anything here too seriously!! I don't want you to hate a specific utaite because of this. There was a already a hate comment on Lon, which is why I added a new skit based on the truth. Soraru paused doing activities with Lon publicly because of the amount of haters bashing on Lon for "being in the way of SoraMafu." I hope you understand, thank you~

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