July 7th: Top Five Things I Dislike About Myself

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Wow...it's actually July 12th...but I've been away for the last few days so I'm updating now!

These will be really short, because I'm really busy right now.

Anyway, here's...

Top Five Things I Dislike About Myself

My Hair

Yeah, it's in Top Five Things I Like About Myself too, but still.

It's so annoying sometimes, I can't even.


My Shyness

Yeah, I guess I'm pretty very shy.

It's pretty annoying too.

I don't know why, but it's hard for me to openly socialize with strangers and such, and I guess I've gotten better with it throughout the years, but it's still kind of hard.

I'm just like socially awkward and I never know what to say and I'm always afraid people will judge me and I get anxious around people and it's just really annoying, because I like being social.

It's kind of weird, but that's just how it is.

My Pessimism

I'm a very negative person, and I guess I've been trying to be more positive.

I basically just view the world really negatively, which I know is horrible.

I view myself, others, events, and other stuff in a negative way, and I just can't help it.

My Emotions

I'm a very emotional person.

Like, emotions of all kinds. My emotions are like someone else's emotions getting escalated by a multiple of ten.

For example, sadness. So, just like Moon, I cry easily but I hide it a lot. I mean, the tiniest things just put me off for no reason, and I really don't like that.

I'm just a sensitive person.

So, I have anger problems.

I don't even know, if I'm in a bad mood already and someone is trying to purposely tick me off or annoy me, I will explode.

My friends don't really see me get mad that often, because I try to keep it in, and what they think is like 10 on my anger scale would probably only be a 5.

When I'm mad, I'm mad.

It's kind of scary, in a way.

Trust me, you do not want to see me angry.

My Procrastination-ness/Laziness

Ha, I'm a world class procrastinator, and I hate that so much.

I'm also super lazy, which sucks as well.

Anyway, that was my list.

No proofreading was done, so like...yeah.


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