Tip #2: Common Cliches - Family with Canon Characters

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I see this a lot and I mean a lot with OCS. This idea in particular makes most of the concept of people's OCs unoriginal. I've seen some as Izaya's sister/daughter and Karma's sister. The reason why most of these OCs are bad is because the creators that make these tend to copy and duplicate the same qualities, characteristics, personalities, and appearances of the canon character, which destroys almost all the originality of the character. You can't really blame them because that's how genetics work, but it can be changed at least with more different qualities because not every child is exactly like their parent or sibling. Now, I'm not stopping you from creating your own OC that is in relations with a canon character. I'm just saying that you should make sure to do it right. But, I highly don't suggest it either way.
When you do this, make sure your OC's relation with this character makes sense. For example, it doesn't make sense if you make Atsushi have a sister or etc or at least it is extremely unlikely because he's an orphan. Also, Izaya is unlikely to get a daughter because it's obvious that he is nowhere interested in having a lover, anyway. You also should look out for personality traits. Personality can be influenced by their parents, but not completely. As for siblings, they can have similar traits, but not all the same traits. At least give them some personality from their family and more personality developed on their own. That's what makes the character more original and realistic in a way. As for appearances, they have to share physical traits with their family, obviously. Since, it is genetics. But, at least give them more traits on their own. If Karma's hair is red and his eyes are golden, that doesn't mean his sister has to have the same physical traits as well. Maybe other people in his family has black hair or something. So, maybe, have your character inherit black hair and gold eyes. That's all I have to say for this one.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2016 ⏰

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